Chapter 4: Accident

She has no family to rely on, and all her expenses have to be paid by working. Before the internship, she can take on a few more part-time jobs, but after officially entering the internship unit, she has no extra time to do other part-time jobs.

She was now completely splitting one salary into several parts, so this job was very important to her at the moment. After all, she was just a fresh graduate with no relevant work experience. She can’t find such a good internship unit with her resume.

If those people were not too much, she didn’t want to give up this job.

Last time, they asked her to attend a dinner party on the grounds of work. At that time, she didn’t think much about it and thought it was a formal dinner party to talk about business.

When she arrived at the place, she saw several CEOs sitting at the dinner table, and those people in the sales department were all flattering them. She realized the problem, but fortunately, those people still had some quality and didn’t make any moves.

As for the verbal abuse, she could still tolerate it. After all, what bad words have she not heard in the past few years?

But this time, she couldn’t tolerate it!

She even knew that if she compromised this time, they would intensify their coercion next time, and she would become a commodity to be exploited by them in the end.

Yes, she wanted a decent job that could guarantee her life, but she wanted to live with dignity and principles.

If even the basic bottom line was lost, what difference between her and a dead person?

“Oh~ Forget it, just quit and find a new job. If it doesn’t work, I can just take more part-time jobs.”

An Yan has always believed that there was always a way out, and the boat would naturally straighten out when it reached the bridge, so she quickly adjusted her mentality and stood up from the bench with a canvas bag.

If she gave up because of this temporary setback, she would not be alive now.

Looking at the busy streets around her, An Yan suddenly wanted to walk home along the street. She used to be busy working to earn a living, and her steps were always hurried. After entering the internship unit, she often worked overtime. After finishing the work, she had no thoughts at all and just wanted to go home and fall asleep immediately.

Thinking about it now, it seems that she hasn’t slowed down for a long time to take a look at the city’s street scenes and feel the bustle and hustle of the city.

Now she doesn’t have to rush, and she doesn’t have to worry about overtime.

An Yan walked slowly on the busy streets, and she looked at every scene very seriously, with a faint smile on her lips.

It felt so good to relax physically and mentally!

Gradually, An Yan walked out of the bustling city center and turned into the horizontal street on the left. There were all kinds of stores on both sides, full of a strong atmosphere of life.

Looking at the dazzling array of delicious food, An Yan couldn’t help swallowing her saliva. She hadn’t had dinner yet, and she drank some water at the table.

But when she thought of the money in her pocket, she instantly gave up the idea of ​​buying it and went home to eat a bowl of noodles.

Although she fired the company with backbone, the money in her pocket couldn’t give her enough confidence to squander it at will.

It seems that before she finds the next job, she will have to live frugally and tighten her belt.

An Yan had to speed up and walk home, trying to ignore those gourmet restaurants.

Suddenly, she looked straight ahead with a look of astonishment, and her body took the lead in making a subconscious reaction.

“Be careful!”

An Yan rushed forward quickly and pushed the person in front of her. Following the inertia, she also fell to the ground with the person.

*Bang!* There was a loud sound of an object falling to the ground.

Before An Yan fell to the ground, she suddenly felt an extremely strong golden light in front of her eyes, but before she could distinguish it clearly, she fainted.


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