Chapter 5: Awakening

In the quiet ward, a young girl was lying on the bed in the middle. At this time, the eyelashes on her tightly closed eyes trembled slightly. Her face was very pale. And there was even a bead of sweat on her forehead.

“No, no, don’t.”

The person on the bed murmured, looking very uneasy as if she was deeply trapped in some terrible dream.


Suddenly, the person on the bed sat up, gasping for breath, and her face was a little ugly.

Looking at the white and empty room, An Yan’s eyes revealed a trace of confusion and doubt, and her temples throbbed in pain. Her brain seemed to be stuck, and she was stunned, obviously not reacting yet.

For a moment, An Yan couldn’t tell the dream from reality.

She seemed to have a very long dream. In the dream, she was like a bystander watching a movie, and pictures flashed quickly in front of her eyes as if the four-fold speed-up key was pressed.

Although the images flashed by a little fast, it was enough for her to see every scene. Some of these images were very familiar to her, but some scenes made her feel very strange, which did not belong to her memory.

But the protagonists around the picture were very familiar to her. One was herself, and the other was her cousin who was only four months younger than her, An Mei.

Although An Yan couldn’t understand the pictures shown later, it was not difficult to guess them by combining the scenes before and after.

If the first part of the dream was her first half of life, then the strange scenes flashing later were her experiences in the second half of her life.

If she has to use one word to summarize the two lives, then she must be happy in the first half of her life, and the second half of her life can only be described as miserable.

The whole dream picture was like a joke. How happy and fulfilling her life was in the first half, and how miserable and helpless her life was in the second half, which formed a sharp contrast.

The most ironic thing was that her life was under the control of a group of people, and her existence seemed to be just to be stepped on by her cousin.

The An Family was a native of Chengdu, and their family was just average. The An Family has been working in the pharmaceutical field for nearly three generations. It can be said that Grandpa An has been working in the pharmaceutical factory since the establishment of the factory.

Although the position was very ordinary and had no technical content, the An Family can be regarded as a veteran employee family of the pharmaceutical factory.

In the second generation, only Grandpa An took over this iron rice bowl. The reason was that he was the only male in his generation, and the other three were sisters. When they reached the age of marriage, they were married off one after another.

Grandpa An and his wife had two sons.

The eldest son, An Jiarong, has performed very well since he was a child. He is upright and motivated. He married Yan Ruhua, who was recruited from the countryside to work in the city.

Yan Ruhua was a rare girl with a junior high school diploma at that time. After all, in that era, men were valued more than women, and they were reluctant to spend money on girls. It was a rare thing for a girl to finish junior high school.

The couple met at the pharmaceutical factory and fell in love. They naturally had a good relationship. Unfortunately, Yan Ruhua was injured when giving birth, so the couple only had one daughter, named An Yan.

It was also because the old lady of An family died early that there were no such things as a mother-in-law and daughter-in-law quarrels. In addition, Yan Ruhua had her job and was very independent and self-reliant. She was not a woman who depended on her husband’s family for life.

Therefore, even if she did not give birth to a son, she could still gain a foothold in her husband’s family.


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