Chapter 46: Enmity

Murong Qingyan didn’t notice, but in the corridor of the second floor, there was a pair of master and a servant who is looking at her.

The master was a man wearing black clothes. He has a very deep, cold and lonely eyes, but his face is very handsome, so a person wouldn’t be able to stop herself or himself to secretly pay attention to him, even though the atmosphere around him is very cold.

But honestly, even though he has a very attractive face, no one can feel their presence.

“She’s really a funny little thing.” The man in black’s lips curve and smile coldly: “But, I didn’t expect that little thing has such a medical knowledge and skills.”

Hearing his master’s words, the servant’s eyes flashed with a trace of doubts. After all, how can his master recognize some woman in here? Is that lowly creature from this small country had a chance to interact with his master? That’s impossible!

“What? Do you find it very strange, Xuan Yi?” The man in black said.

“I dare not.” Xuan Yi respectfully bows his head, then immediately recover his mind.

He forgot that this master of him hate it when other is trying to make speculation to his business. So, it can be said that he just committed a taboo.

“There is no need to be so nervous.” The man in black said while his eyes were still staring at Murong Qingyan’s back.

“My lord, you’ve been staying in this small country for a long time now. Aren’t you going back yet?” When Xuan Yi didn’t see any signs of anger to his master’s eyes, he tried to persuade him: “There were really no signs of that thing you were looking for. So, maybe those guys just spread a rumor?” 

“Since we’re already here, then I’ll check it out if it’s only a rumor or not.”

“But my Lord, if you won’t go back now, I’m… …” Obviously, Xuan Yi is worried that if his master won’t come back yet, then things might go wrong.

“This lord has nothing to worry about.” The man in black’s  eyes flash with a trace of killing intent, then added: “Even if those frogs take this opportunity to make themselves look good. This Lord can wipe them clean.”

Seeing his master’s eyes, Xuan Yi no longer dare to say anything.


Nangong Ye who is standing on the other side of the corridor also saw how the young woman (Murong Qingyan) rescue the young man in purple. Actually, earlier, they really didn’t expect her to be a pharmacist. But, when they go out the room, they saw her holding a silver needle.

Originally, they really don’t know what’s happening, but when they heard the commotion of the people near them, they went outside.

Seeing such scene, Nangong Ye felt relieved that he didn’t choose to fight with that young woman earlier. After all, in Sheng Hong Continent, the status of pharmacists are very high. So, although he doesn’t know what that young woman’s level in pharmacist is, it’s still better if they will become friends than enemies.

When Murong Qingxue looked at the distant figure of the young woman, she couldn’t help but frown and squint her eyes. She doesn’t know why, but whenever she’s looking at her, she felt really uncomfortable. As if she has enmity with her. But, she doesn’t know her, so why is she having such feeling ah?

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11 Replies to “Chapter 46: Enmity”

  1. Thanks for the chapter. I hope you can update soon ⌒.⌒

    I want to ask you if you need to know Chinese to translate novels.

        1. Try translating one chapter. There’s no hurt in trying. Im not expert in both chinese and english. Hehe😂😂😂

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