Chapter 11: Arrangements

Tang Bo habitually likes to check the dynasty and age of antiques before checking them.

He looked at the age of the silver hairpin and the ring and judged that they were about 1,000 years old.

However, according to historical records, there were no such products in the dynasties of China 1,000 years ago. Therefore, he boldly guessed that this thing might be a product of the Daqi Kingdom, which had no history to investigate.

To confirm whether his judgment was accurate, he called Guo Lao for help.

At this moment, Tang Bo was completely attracted by the two antiques in his hand and had long ignored the existence of Tang Xu and Si Si.

Tang Xu knew that if he wanted to further determine the dynasty of the antiques brought by Si Si, he had to wait until Guo Lao arrived.

At this moment, it was boring to sit there stupidly, so he invited Si Si to have tea in front of the tea table.

Si Si was waiting anxiously. On the 33rd floor of the mall, the open space in her room was filled with vases and other things.

There were also two carts that Xiao Mujin brought back last night, which were also filled with things.

Xiao Qing held big bread in her hand as she happily said: “Brother, the snacks here are delicious, Qing’er likes them.”

Xiao Mujin took a bite of the bread and licked the butter on his fingers: “Well, everything here is good.”

“We have sent these things back and forth many times, but I haven’t seen sister. Qing’er misses her a little.” Xiao Qing blamed herself a little. She was late because she slept too much, so she didn’t see Si Si.

At this moment, Xiao Mujin acted like a little adult: “Sister, the beautiful sister must have something to do, so she went out. She will come back to rest at night. Then we can see her.”

Xiao Qing sat on a low stool with her hands on her cheeks: “I hope sister will come back soon. She must be very happy to see the things we brought.”

The brother and sister waited in Si Si’s room, while Qi Mohan was busy.

Before dawn, he ordered his subordinates to let the chef cook some rice porridge first and distribute it to the people in the palace to fill their stomachs.

After everyone had a bowl of hot porridge, they went to the porridge stall to help.

Qiushui City was not small in area, but its geographical environment was quite special, with half of it being mountains and half being plains.

The people all lived in the plains, which made the city look more crowded than other cities in Daqi Kingdothe m, and the distance between the porridge stalls was not very far.

After all, the drought has lasted for more than two years, and the entire Rong Mansion has been emptied. Qi Mohan has arranged to distribute porridge before.

The porridge stalls were built long ago, so there were stoves and pots.

The person in charge of distributing porridge in the palace can start directly as long as he brings food and water to the porridge stall.

Except for the person in charge of distributing porridge, all the others were sent by Qi Mohan to inform the people that no matter whether men, women, old or young, they could take a bowl of porridge home.

Faced with the current situation, the people have been completely disheartened, and the family hugged each other and waited for the arrival of death.

Suddenly, everyone heard that Prince Rong was going to give out porridge, and for a moment, they thought they were hallucinating.

Every citizen of Qiushui City knew one thing.

That during the drought, if Prince Rong hadn’t used up all his property to buy food for them, they would have turned into a handful of yellow soil long ago.

They were able to survive such a severe drought for so long because of Prince Rong’s compassion.

Now, Prince Rong’s mansion has been completely emptied, and the wild grass and tree bark on the mountain have been eaten up. Not to mention ordinary people like them, even Prince Rong has no other choice.

Despite this, Prince Rong didn’t abandon them to escape alone but vowed to live until the end with them.

The people were grateful to Prince Rong for treating them like this. Therefore, even at this moment of life and death, no one complained, and they even felt that it was a blessing for them to live in Prince Rong’s fiefdom.

The people had already prepared to die. Just as they were quietly waiting for death to come, the people in the prince’s mansion notified them to collect porridge.

Prince Rong loves his people, and so do the guards and servants in the mansion. Seeing that the people were still in a dream, they can’t help but remind them:

“Don’t just stand there, the porridge in the stall is probably ready now, everyone lines up and gets it!”

“Sir, are you telling the truth?”

“Why can’t I believe it!”

“The people in the prince’s mansion won’t lie to us, everyone lines up quickly.”

The people said all kinds of things, and they were already walking towards the nearest porridge stall.

Before they even arrived at the porridge distribution site, people with a keen nose could smell the long-lost fragrance of food from a distance.

Qiushui City has been completely cut off from food for months, and everyone has almost forgotten the taste of food after eating grassroots and tree bark.

When they smelled the long-lost smell again, the people were so excited that tears fell out.

Even if they were anxious to eat the hot porridge, they still consciously lined up, and even gave priority to the elderly and children.

This was the rule set by Qi Mohan for more than two years.

The elderly and children were weak and must be treated with courtesy. If they fail to do so, the porridge distribution will be stopped immediately.

The people had long been accustomed to such rules, so there was no need for anyone to organize, and they would automatically make way for the weak.

The food brought by Si Si and the two children looked a lot, but for the people of Qiushui City, it was just a drop in the bucket.

The amount of rice and millet added up to only one thousand kilograms, and the amount of bottled water was also limited.

Before distributing the porridge, Qi Mohan weighed it again and again and decided to use this water to cook the porridge today. As for the white flour and the yellow thing that he didn’t know what kind of food it was, he would put it aside for the time being and bring more water after communicating with Si Si.

Although the food was not much, it was still possible to get a bowl for each person if it was cooked a little thinner.

Although the people still couldn’t eat enough, it was better than being hungry, at least they could save their lives.

The first person to receive the porridge was an old man who looked to be in his seventies or eighties. He held a bowl of porridge in his shaking hands and knelt and kowtowed in the direction of Prince Rong’s mansion.

“I should have been buried long ago. Thanks to His Royal Highness Prince Rong, I was able to survive the drought until now. I am satisfied to have such a prince leading Qiushui City in my life!”

Following him, people knelt in the direction of Prince Rong’s mansion one after another, and their words were full of gratitude and admiration for Qi Mohan.

Such scenes were already commonplace for the people in Prince Rong’s mansion, and everyone continued to distribute rice porridge to the people.

Qi Mohan was not idle either. Now he had completely learned how to use the recorder. At this moment, he was sitting in the room of the two children, talking to the recorder.

[Miss Si Si, last night I ordered people to put the vase ornaments and some calligraphy and paintings in the mansion together. Later, I will ask Mujin and Qing’er to bring these things over.]

[If you have other needs, please tell me. As long as I can do it, I will do it.]

[I have another unwelcome request. I wonder if we can get more water. There are many people in Qiushui City. Although the water yesterday was not small, it’s just a drop in the bucket for these people.]


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