Chapter 19: Keeping the shopping mall

At this point, Xiao Qing started crying, and Xiao Mujin stood on the ground wiping his eyes.

Si Si had never seen such a scene before. The child who was smiling just now suddenly started crying.

“Qing’er, don’t cry. Mujin is a man, you can’t cry easily. Sister has delicious candies here. Qing’er and Mujin won’t cry after eating them.”

As she said that, Si Si opened the drawer of the bedside cabinet and took out two lollipops for them.

After all, they were children and could not resist the temptation of candies.

Xiao Qing immediately wiped her eyes, thanked her, and put the lollipop into her.

Xiao Mujin did the same, but he was more gentle than his sister.

The two children stopped crying, and Si Si was relieved. At the same time, she also asked the doubts in her heart.

“Qing’er, Mujin, why are your parents not around?”

Since she met the two children, she only heard them talk about their uncle and grandmother. This was the first time that they mentioned their parents today.

When asked, Xiao Mu Jin’s face sank again.

“Me and my sister are twins. Our mother is the third princess of the Daqi Kingdom, and our father is a mighty general who guards the border.”

“My grandmother told me that our father died in battle not long after we were born, and our mother went to look for him soon because she missed him too much.”

Xiao Qing nodded with red eyes: “So Qing’er and my brother don’t know what our parents are like.”

Hearing this, Si Si hugged Xiao Qing tightly in her arms.

Compared with the other two, she was much luckier. At least she was loved by her parents for 19 years, and she also had many good memories.

The more she understood them, the more Si Si felt sorry for the two children.

“You can come to my place often in the future and treat this place as your own home. If you need anything, please tell me as much as possible.”

Xiao Qing’s eyes were bright, with tears in them: “Sister, can Qing’er and brother treat this place as their own home?”

Si Si nodded solemnly: “Yes, it’s okay.”

She felt that her burden was heavier.

Originally, she was thinking that she would try her best to save the mall. This was built by her parents’ life’s hard work. Whether she could continue to run it in the future or not, at least was a thought for her parents.

Even if she couldn’t save it, as long as she tried her best, she would not have any regrets.

Now, she wanted to do everything she could to save the mall, because this was the only way she could contact the two children.

Once the mall fell into someone else’s hands, she would never see the two children again. What if the owner of the mall in the future was a person with bad intentions and found that the two ancient children could travel through time and space to come here, wouldn’t he capture them for research?

In short, her determination to save the mall was countless times stronger than before, and she had to win it.

Putting away all the negative emotions, the two children had eaten all the lollipops, and Si Si asked the brother and sister to pull the food cart back together.

The two children went back and forth several times and finally transported all the food back.

Seeing that Si Si brought more food than yesterday, Imperial Concubine Yun was grateful but also felt sorry for Si Si and the two children.

She pointed to the mountain of food and said to Qi Mohan: “I heard from Qing’er that Miss Si is very thin. How can she carry so much food?”

The more Imperial Concubine Yun talked, the more distressed she felt: “This girl is a kind-hearted Bodhisattva. She didn’t want us to starve to death, and she didn’t know how tired she was.”

Qi Mohan also realized this, but when he thought about the day when he tried to go to Si Si with the two children but failed, he felt discouraged.

“Mother, Miss Si’s kindness will be remembered in my heart. If I have the chance to repay you in the future, I will do whatever it takes.”

Imperial Concubine Yun looked at her son who was still unmarried in his twenties and sighed, “Ah… If possible, I want you to marry her.”

Qi Mohan was moving food bags to the ground. When he heard the words “marry her”, he staggered.

As expected, the two bags of rice he had just lifted fell to the ground.

“Mother, what are you talking about? How can there be such a way to repay?”

Imperial Concubine Yun retorted: “Why? Where in our Daqi Kingdom can we find a good girl like Si Si? Letting you pledge your love to her is a good favor to you.”

Qi Mohan: “……”

He has begun to doubt whether the old lady in front of him is his mother or Si Si’s mother.

Why does it feel that she was less and less standing on his side?

To not make the old lady angry, Qi Mohan blushed and said nothing, and continued to move food with his head down.

Qi Mohan was doing hard labor here, while Imperial Concubine Yun had already pulled Xiao Qing to the side.

She wanted to say a few intimate words to Si Si in person.

[Miss Si Si, I would like to thank you again on behalf of the people of Qiushui City for the life-saving food you sent.]

[I know you are a kind-hearted girl, but it’s a pity that we have no chance to meet.]

[Qing’er and Mujin are young and immature. If they are impolite, just teach them a lesson. And that bowl of noodles was made by me in the kitchen myself. It’s a pity that the ingredients in Prince Rong’s mansion are limited, so it can only be made like this. I hope you don’t mind.]

When the two of them brought noodles to Si Si, Imperial Concubine Yun wanted to say these words, but before she could ask Xiao Qing to get the recorder, her figure disappeared.

By now, the other party had finished the noodles. Besides, although it was a little late, Concubine Yun still said it. She wanted Si Si to feel her sincerity and care.

After talking about the noodles, Imperial Concubine Yun praised her son to the recorder.

[My son Mohan is a good prince. Since he took over the fiefdom at the age of 16, he has led troops to repel the barbarians who came to harass him many times and managed the fiefdom in an orderly manner.]

[My son Mohan is also very handsome. Before the drought, many daughters of officials wanted to marry him as a princess. Unfortunately, Mohan was too picky and didn’t like any of them…]

“Mother, why are you telling her all this?” Qi Mo Han couldn’t help but snatch the recorder to stop Imperial Concubine Yun from talking more and more outrageously.

Imperial Concubine Yun was talking excitedly, and her face immediately turned stern when the recorder was taken away.

“Why, what I said is the truth. Miss Si Si has done so much for us, shouldn’t she be allowed to explain more?”

“It’s okay to explain, you just need to talk about the situation in Qiushui City, why do you have to talk about this son’s private affairs?”

“How can this be private affairs? You are the owner of Qiushui City. What’s wrong with letting Miss Si know Qiushui City starting with you, the owner?” Imperial Concubine Yun explained.

“Mother, we just met Miss Si, and we don’t even know what each other looks like. Besides, when has she ever told us a word about her private affairs? Will she like it if you tell her these things?”

Qi Mohan didn’t show weakness either, he just felt that his mother didn’t have to say these things.


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