Chapter 2: Can her shopping mall also connect to ancient times?

No need to mention it, she had never heard of the Daqi Kingdom, and looking at the appearance of these two children, although they were dressed in gorgeous clothes, according to what they said, their uncle was a prince, so their identities were at least young masters and young ladies.

But why were they so thin?

They were beggars!

To expose the two little kids’ lies, Si Si decided to ask them about what they said.

“Doesn’t your uncle give you food on weekdays?”

When talking about eating, Xiao Qing’s eyes turned red her lips were tightly pursed, and she looked very aggrieved.

“Beautiful sister, Qing’er is so hungry. Qing’er only ate a few leaves today.”

Si Si: “……”

If what Xiao Qing said was true, they were pitiful.

Just as she was thinking, Xiao Mujin spoke like a little adult: “Beautiful sister, most of the cities in our Daqi Kingdom haven’t had rain for 2 consecutive years, and now many people have starved to death.”

“The leaves we eat are picked by my uncle’s subordinates who risked their lives to go up the mountain, but there are only a few.”

As she spoke, Xiao Mujin’s tears were about to fall.

Regardless of whether their words were true or false, the two children’s appearance was indeed severely malnourished.

No matter how the two poor little guys came to her, she couldn’t be stingy with even a meal for them.

Si Si got up and put on her slippers: “You wait here obediently, I’ll get some food.”

Si Si thought that if the two children were hungry for too long, their gastrointestinal function would decline, and they would not be suitable for eating nutritious and greasy food, so she decided to cook some millet porridge for them first.

Luckily, she lived alone for the past two years in college and often made some delicious food for herself, so Si Si was still good at cooking.

She went to the temporary kitchen next door, cooked some millet porridge, and took some pickles from the refrigerator.

When she brought the food in, the two little guys were looking eagerly at the door.

Si Si looked at the two people’s dirty hands, put down the food, and took them to wash.

After washing their hands, the two little guys couldn’t wait to come to the dining table.

Si Si could see that the two children were very well-mannered. Although they kept drooling while looking at the millet porridge, they still sat upright. They refused to move unless Si Si spoke.

The two children’s behavior made Si Si feel more distressed about them.

“Don’t just stand there, drink some porridge to warm your stomach first.”

“Thank you, beautiful sister.” The baby voices said in unison.

Si Si held her chin with one hand and watched the two of them finish all the millet porridge.

Xiao Mujin stood up and bowed to Si Si respectfully: “Beautiful sister, this is the most delicious porridge and side dishes Mujin has ever eaten.”

Xiao Qing also bowed to Si Si like her brother: “Thank you, beautiful sister.”

Si Si decided to continue to ask the two people about their true origins. If they still don’t tell the truth, she will call the police.

Although it was just a small matter to keep two children here and provide them with food, she can’t protect herself now. If someone accuses her of kidnapping children, it will be a loss.

“Since you said you came to me through a door, how do you leave?”

Xiao Qing pointed to the window: “Look, there is a door there that is the same as the one we came in through.”

Si Si looked in the direction of Xiao Qing’s finger. Even after rubbing her eyes vigorously, she couldn’t see any door at all.

“You lied again.”

“Qing’er didn’t lie.” To prove that what she said was true, Xiao Qing walked to the window with her short legs in grievance and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Xiao Mujin followed closely behind and disappeared from Si Si’s sight in the same way as Xiao Qing.

Si Si was completely stunned, and she couldn’t even believe the scene she just saw.

Two living children just disappeared suddenly.

Just when she was at a loss, the figures of the two little guys appeared in front of her again.

Si Si’s heart was in turmoil. She didn’t want to believe that this was true, but after all, she saw it with her own eyes.

Xiao Qing ran to her with her short legs like a treasure: “Sister, now you should believe that Qing’er and brother didn’t lie, right?”

Si Si nodded in a dull voice: “Yes… yes…”

At the same time, two novels she had read appeared in her mind: ‘My Supermarket Connects to Ancient Times’ and ‘My House Connects to Ancient Times’.

Could it be that her shopping mall can also connect to ancient times?

Apart from this, Si Si couldn’t think of a more reasonable explanation. Especially the Daqi Kingdom mentioned by the two little kids. She never heard about it. It was an imaginary era.

Regardless of where the Daqi Kingdom was, the two little kids in front of her were dirty. Si Si felt uncomfortable looking at them.

She decided to give the two little kids a hot bath first.

When they heard that they could take a bath, the shock was written on their faces.

“Sister, can we take a bath?” Xiao Qing asked playfully with her big eyes blinking.

Xiao Mujin looked serious: “Sister, we haven’t taken a bath for 2 years, and we are very dirty.”

Two years without a bath?

What kind of operation is this?

Si Si was a little dumbfounded.

But thinking about what they said at the beginning, it hasn’t rained in that place for more than two years, and many people have starved to death. They must be seriously lacking water.

Si Si rolled up her sleeves quickly and went forward to help Xiao Qing undress and prepare for a bath.

Xiao Qing cooperated very well and opened her two little arms to let Si Si operate.

Xiao Mujin’s reaction was quite different. He instinctively stepped back a few steps, as if Si Si was a monster.

“Sister, as the saying goes, it’s improper for men and women to touch each other’s hands in passing objects. Mujin can wash myself.”

Si Si was amused by Xiao Mujin’s behavior: “Such a young child, how can there be any difference between boys and girls?”

Although she was just a young lad, she didn’t think there was anything wrong with a four or five-year-old boy.

However, Xiao Mujin was still serious: “For the sake of sister’s reputation, Mujin can’t overstep his authority!”

Si Si couldn’t help but rub his dirty little nose: “Okay, sister will wash Qing’er, while you go in and wash yourself after.”

There was only one bathroom, and Xiao Mujin had such an attitude, that Si Si couldn’t force him.

After an hour, Si Si finally washed Xiao Qing clean, and all her dry and tangled hair was combed smoothly.

At this moment, Xiao Qing seemed to have changed.

Although she was still skinny, it could be seen that the little girl’s facial features were very delicate and her skin was fair.

Si Si wrapped Xiao Qing in a bathrobe, carried her to her bed covered her with a quilt, and then guided Xiao Mujin to take a bath by himself.

She turned and went downstairs to get two sets of pajamas from the children’s clothing section of the shopping mall.

She put the pajamas on Xiao Qing and threw their original ancient costumes into the washing machine. Xiao Mujin’s clothes were also washed.

But he didn’t dare to come out and just poked his head in the bathroom door.

As soon as Si Si saw the little guy’s look, she knew why he was like this.

It was all about this, it’s improper for men and women to touch each other’s hand in passing objects!


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