Chapter 5: Look at it

The food and water that the young lady gave to the two children were high-quality and expensive.

In his current situation, what could he use to trade with others?

Qi Mohan was worried because he couldn’t afford the money……

Si Si thought that the two little kids would be the same as before, disappearing and reappearing in an instant, but they had been gone for more than ten minutes, and there was no movement in front of the window.

Could it be that their uncle didn’t want to trade with her?

Just as Si Si was thinking, Xiao Mujin suddenly appeared.

“Sister, my uncle asks me to ask about the price of food and water.”

Qi Mohan thought about it for a long time before asking Xiao Mujin.

In case this young lady asked as much as those grain merchants did, he could make more preparations.

This question confused Si Si.

Ancient and modern currencies were not in circulation, how to quote?

Before meeting the two little guys, Si Si had no idea how to make money quickly to pay off debts. She even thought that her parents couldn’t solve the economic crisis, so what could she do as a 19-year-old student who only went to college?

In the end, she couldn’t escape the fate of the shopping mall being acquired by the bank.

It can be said that being able to make a connection with the uncle of the two little kids was a huge accident.

Therefore, Si Si was not greedy at all. Regardless of how much profit she could make, looking at the appearance of the two little guys, was enough to show that the people there were starving.

In such a situation, even if there was no money to be made, it would be good to save a few lives.

Thinking of this, Si Si did not tell Xiao Mujin the price of food.

“Wait here for a moment, sister will come right up.”

Xiao Mujin didn’t know what the beautiful sister was going to do. He only knew that he and his sister couldn’t leave the room, so he could only nod obediently.

Si Si took the elevator directly to the warehouse supermarket on the first floor.

If people ask what was the most abundant thing in this shopping mall, it must be all kinds of food.

Si Si’s parents were both farmers, and they knew how difficult it was for farmers. Since they made their first pot of gold in business, they have to do agricultural assistance work every year.

What was stocked in the supermarket area now was the large amount of food that her parents bought during this year’s agricultural assistance activities.

Si Si found a cargo cart and directly moved ten bags of rice, flour, millet, and cornmeal from the warehouse.

Fortunately, the packaging of these grains weighs ten kilograms, otherwise she really can’t move them.

After putting all the grains on the cart, she went to the warehouse where drinking water was stored and loaded dozens of 5-liter barrels of mineral water.

Si Si pushed the cart to the room with great effort.

Xiao Mujin was stunned when she saw so much food and water in the car.

“Sister, can these foods and water be sold to Uncle?”

Si Si wiped the sweat from her temples: “Take these foods to your uncle first and tell him to pay according to the price.”

Si Si was not greedy at all. No matter how much money the little guy’s uncle gave her, it would be enough to sell them as antiques to cover the value of these foods.

Even if she lost money, she couldn’t just watch so many people starve to death.

Xiao Mujin was anxious to take the food to his uncle to ask for credit. After he thanked Si Si, he couldn’t wait to go back.

Si Si looked at his frail little body, and then at the cart of supplies.

“Mujin, you push the cart along, and remember to return it to me next time you come.”

Xiao Mujin originally wanted to call his sister to come, and then move the supplies one by one.

Now that Si Si said he could push the cart along, wouldn’t he save a lot of effort?

“Don’t worry, sister, Mujin will return the cart soon.”

After he said those words, Xiao Mujin and the cart full of food and water disappeared instantly.

Qi Mohan was still worried about why Xiao Mujin had been gone for so long but hadn’t come back. He was about to ask Xiao Qing to go over and see the specific situation when he saw Xiao Mujin appear in the room with a cart full of supplies.

Fortunately, the room was big enough, otherwise, such a large cart would not be able to accommodate it.

Seeing the cart full of food and water, Qi Mohan’s eyes widened in shock.

“Mujin, we haven’t paid the money yet, why did the young lady ask you to bring food?”

Thinking of the other party’s generosity, Qi Mohan’s good impression of Si Si continued to rise.

Xiao Mujin pointed at the food on the cart and said: “Uncle, my sister said that you can decide the price of these foods.”

Decide the price.

These three words made Qi Mohan so confused!!!

No need to mention the food first. After all, he hadn’t checked the quality carefully. Just these clear waters, in today’s Qiushui City, can be said to be of great value.

Then, Qi Mohan couldn’t wait to open the bags of food.

Qi Mohan was completely stunned after seeing this.

The rice grains were full and crystal clear. Even the tribute rice sent to the palace was not of such quality.

And the flour’s texture, it was so delicate that he had never seen it before.

The millet was the same. The small grains were evenly full, and the color was also excellent.

Although these three kinds of food were of good quality, they were not unfamiliar to Qi Mohan. Before the drought, his staple food was mostly these.

Only the cornmeal looks a little strange. It looked like the flour, but it was yellow, and it felt much rougher.

He put it under his nose and sniffed it, and there was a faint grain fragrance.

This was something Qi Mohan had never seen before.

Just when he was curious about what kind of food it was, the door was suddenly pushed open from the outside.

Imperial Concubine Yun was tall, with half of her hair neatly tied up, and only a simple ten-length silver hairpin inserted on it.

Like Qi Mohan and the two little kids, she couldn’t hide her skinny body even with a wide robe.

Her lips were also chapped, which was caused by long-term malnutrition and lack of water.

Imperial Concubine Yun walked in trembling, leaning on a cane with one hand and supported by a young maid on the other side.

The moment she saw Xiao Qing and Xiao Mujin, a little light appeared in Imperial Concubine Yun’s originally black eyes.

“Where did you two run to? Grandma is worried to death.”

As she spoke, Imperial Concubine Yun threw away the support of the maid and walked towards the two little kids with a cane.

Seeing this, Xiao Qing and Xiao Mujin ran to her side quickly: “Grandma, we are fine.”

As for the matter of going to the beautiful sister, their uncle had just told them that it was not allowed to be mentioned to anyone except him and their grandmother.

Therefore, the two kids decided to keep silent in front of the maid.

While talking, Imperial Concubine Yun also noticed the cart carrying goods. The bags on it were filled with food and so many bottles of water.

“Mohan, what are these?”

Imperial Concubine Yun was simply stunned. Qiushui City has been suffering from drought for more than two years. She had used all the ways to get food and spent all the money she should spend.

She even thought that she, her son, grandson, and granddaughter would starve to death here sooner or later.

She never thought that she would see food and water ever again……


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