Chapter 6: Recording Pen

To prove that it was not an illusion due to her old eyesight, Imperial Concubine Yun rubbed her eyes vigorously.

When Qi Mohan saw the food and water, he also felt this sense of unreality.

Seeing his mother like this, Qi Mohan could fully understand her feelings.

He waved his hand to the maid and asked her to wait outside the door, and then helped Imperial Concubine Yun, who was still shocked, to sit on the chair.

“Mother, this matter is a bit unbelievable, but I am completely sure that everything is real…”

Qi Mohan simply told Concubine Yun about the two little guys being able to see a door in the room, which led to another place, and how they met the young lady again.

It can be said that Imperial Concubine Yun was confused and could not accept it for a while.

Seeing their grandmother like this, Xiao Qing and Xiao Mujin told some details.

Imperial Concubine Yun raised the two little guys; no one knew their character better than her.

She taught the two little guys that they could correct their mistakes but never lie to their relatives.

The two little guys also remembered this sentence in their hearts and were always honest with their grandmother.

What’s more, Qi Mohan told it first, even if the matter was a little strange, Imperial Concubine Yun still chose to believe it in the end.

She looked at the pile of food and water in front of her, her face full of surprise: “Mohan, so many supplies must cost a lot of money, right?”

“Now our Rong Palace has nothing left that can be sold for money, what are you going to use to pay for these things?”

Speaking of this, Qi Mohan couldn’t help but frown, revealing a distressed look.

“Mother, that young lady is kindhearted. She asked Mujin to bring back the food first, and said that we could give the price.”

But it was precisely because of this that he felt so embarrassed!

Food and water like this were priceless treasures. They can’t treat the other party badly, right?

But he also knew the current situation in the mansion… Alas, this made him feel embarrassed!

He sighed, his tone full of helplessness.

Imperial Concubine Yun stood up: “I still have some jewelry there. Take the first to deal with the emergency.”

These jewelry were not valuable items. Imperial Concubine Yun usually gives them as rewards to the servants.

The Rong Palace spent all its money to buy food to support the people of Qiushui City and sold all its property. If these jewelry were not worth much, they would have been sold long ago.

Although they were worthless, it was better to have some than nothing. She was from the Rong Palace, she didn’t want to take advantage of the young lady.

Imperial Concubine Yun ordered the servants to go back to her yard to get the jewelry. While waiting, she taught the two little kids how to communicate and explain to Si Si.

After all, the two children were still young, and they could only remember half of what Imperial Concubine Yun said, and some of it was repetitive and incomplete.

Seeing this, Imperial Concubine Yun immediately instructed Qi Mohan: “I don’t know if the young lady can read. You can write a letter to explain.”

In the Daqi Kingdom, except for the young ladies from wealthy families who could learn to read, the women were generally illiterate. Imperial Concubine Yun didn’t know the specific situation of Si Si. What if she couldn’t read? Wouldn’t it be a waste of time to write a letter?

At this time, Xiao Qing reacted the fastest: “Qing’er will go ask my sister now.”

After saying that, the thin figure disappeared from everyone’s sight.

Xiao Qing suddenly appeared, but Si Si was not surprised: “Qing’er, has the food been delivered to your uncle?”

“Sister, my uncle, and grandmother are very happy to see the food. I came here to ask if you can read.” The little girl said of the purpose of her coming seriously.

Si Si was a college student, and she could read, but she couldn’t be sure what the Daqi Kingdom’s lettering was.

If it was a common traditional Chinese character, it was okay. Even if she doesn’t recognize it, she can use a computer to translate it.

But Daqi Kingdom was a dynasty that has never been heard of in history. If the font was not recorded, then writing letters to communicate would be useless.

But considering that letting two children pass messages back and forth was indeed not as convenient as communicating directly with the prince.

After thinking about it, Si Si finally came up with a good idea.

“Qing’er, wait for me here.”

After that, Si Si took the elevator to the cyber zone of the mall.

She took a red recorder from the counter, unpacked it, and recorded in front of Xiao Qing:

[Hello, my name is Si Si, and I probably live more than 1,000 years after your time.]

[I heard from Qing’er and Mujin that you have been suffering from drought for years and the people are living in poverty.]

[I can provide some living supplies to help you. As for the reward, after all, we live in different times and the currency cannot circulate between each other. If possible, just exchange some objects.]

As for the rest, Si Si didn’t plan to say too much for the time being. She wanted to understand the specific situation there first.

After the recording was finished, Xiao Qing stared at the recorder in Si Si’s hand with her big round eyes without blinking, and she was even curious in her heart. Why was the beautiful sister talking to this small red thing?

Could that thing understand her sister’s words?

Just when Xiao Qing was extremely shocked, Si Si brought the recorder in front of her.

“Qing’er, this thing is called a recorder.”

As she said, Si Si had already pressed the play button of the recorder, and the words she just said came out from it.

Xiao Qing was shocked again: “Sister, why does your voice come out of this little thing?”

Si Si patiently explained: “This little thing is called a recorder, you can save what you want to say in it.”

While explaining, Si Si also taught Xiao Qing how to record and play the recorder.

After all, she was a child and her receptive ability was not that strong. Si Si explained it many times until Xiao Qing could master the use of the recorder.

She handed the recorder to Xiao Qing: “Take this back and give it to your uncle. If he has anything to say to you, just give him this recorder.”

Xiao Qing learned how to use the recorder and couldn’t wait to take it to her uncle and grandmother to take credit.

Now that the recorder was in her hand, the little girl disappeared in a flash.

Seeing Xiao Qing appear, Imperial Concubine Yun asked anxiously: “Qing’er, can that young lady read?”

Xiao Qing raised the recorder high as if to ask for credit: “Grandma, you can hear my sister talking in here.”

“Don’t talk nonsense, we haven’t even seen that young lady, how can we hear her talking?” Imperial Concubine Yun scolded Xiao Qing with a fierce face. This child was getting more and more out of tune.

Xiao Qing was scolded, so she was aggrieved. She pouted her little mouth and pressed the play switch of the recorder.


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