Chapter 7: Reply

[Hello, my name is Si Si, and I probably live more than 1,000 years after your time.]

A soft and sweet voice suddenly echoed in the room.

Xiao Mujin was the most exaggerated, searching the room for Si Si: “Sister, where are you?”

At the same time, Imperial Concubine Yun and Qi Mohan were also stunned, looking around, and finally set their sights on the recorder in Xiao Qing’s hand.

The small red light on the recorder flashed with the rhythm of Si Si’s speech. At this moment, they could no longer question that the source of the sweet voice was this small ‘long box’.

Xiao Qing repeated Si Si’s words several times. Imperial Concubine Yun pushed Qi Mohan: “Mohan, this young lady said that she lived a thousand years later, is it true?”

Qi Mohan frowned and was also thinking about this question.

“Mother, I think it’s possible. Look at this thing that can play sound and the clothes that Mujin and Qing’er are wearing. We have never seen them before. If it’s not, how to explain these?”

Imperial Concubine Yun nodded woodenly: “Indeed, I am willing to believe this young lady named Si Si.”

As she spoke, Imperial Concubine Yun’s eyes fell on the food again: “Mohan, since Qing’er can use this little thing, why don’t you record what you want to say and let the two children bring it to Miss Si Si.”

Qi Mohan pondered for a moment before letting Xiao Qing turn on the recording function.

He followed Xiao Qing’s instructions, and after the indicator light of the recorder flashed three times, he slowly spoke:

[Miss Si, I am Qi Mo Han, who lived in the Daqi Kingdom a thousand years ago.]

[Qiushui City is my fiefdom, with more than 100,000 people. Due to years of drought, the crops failed to grow and more than 20,000 people died of hunger and thirst.]

[By chance, Mujin and Qing’er had the honor to meet the young lady, and this prince learned that you could provide food and water for Qiushui City. On behalf of the people of Qiushui City, I would like to thank the girl for her great kindness.]

[In my opinion, the food and water provided by the young lady are worth a fortune, but… but…]

At this point, Qi Mohan couldn’t continue.

He was an imperial prince, but he was about to say that he was poor to a young lady who offered him help. He really can’t open his mouth to utter those words.

While Imperial Concubine Yun was anxious, she could fully understand her son’s difficulties.

In this era where males are superior and females are inferior, let alone a prince, even a man from an ordinary family would feel embarrassed to bargain with a young lady.

But this matter cannot be left unsaid. After all, the young lady’s food and water have been delivered. They cannot give enough rewards, so they have to explain it to her.

Thinking of this, Imperial Concubine Yun snatched the recorder from Qi Mohan’s hand and continued:

[Miss, I am the mother of Prince Rong. Everyone calls me Imperial Concubine Yun. There are some things that he, a grown man, does not want to say, so I will tell you slowly.]

[My son, Prince Rong, is a prince who cares about the people. Since the drought broke out, most cities in Daqi have been severely affected. The court was unable to take care of itself 2 years ago and has no way to care about the lives of people in other cities.]

[To help the people under his rule survive the drought, my son, Mohan, emptied all the property in the palace and bought food at high prices.]

[Now, the property of the palace has been squandered, and the people of the city can only rely on finding wild vegetables in the mountains and eating tree bark to survive.]

[In recent days, the only water source in Qiushui City has dried up, and the country is suffering from a large area of ​​drought. The people have nowhere to flee and can only wait to die in Qiushui City…]

At this point, Imperial Concubine Yun has burst into tears.

Qi Mohan also had a gloomy face. If it weren’t for Si Si’s appearance, he really would have been helpless.

Imperial Concubine Yun took out a handkerchief to wipe the tears from her eyes, and continued to speak to the recorder:

[I lost my manners and made Miss Si laugh.]

[I said so much, I just want to say that the food provided by the lady is very valuable, but the current palace can’t afford to buy it.]

[I only have a few worthless jewelry in my hand, I’ll let the two children take it to the lady first.]

[If the young lady is willing to continue to help the people of Qiushui City out of poverty, I promise that as long as the financial situation of the prince’s mansion is slightly relieved, I will immediately present gold and silver to the young lady.]

After saying this, Imperial Concubine Yun looked at Qi Mohan again and asked him if he needed any additional help.

Qi Mohan shook his head. His mother spoke sincerely. Whether this young lady was willing to help him and the people of Qiushui City depended on their luck.

He handed the recorder to Xiao Qing: “Qing’er, go again and tell Miss Si what your uncle and your grandmother said.”

Children of this age were most happy to do things for adults. This time, not only Xiao Qing but also Xiao Mujin went to Si Si.

Si Si knew that the prince would reply after hearing her recording, so she sat on the bed without sleeping, waiting for Xiao Qing to come.

The two little guys appeared together and came to Si Si together.

Xiao Qing handed the recorder to Si Si like a treasure: “Sister, there are words from my uncle and grandmother in it, please listen to it.”

Si Si took the recorder and turned on the playback function.

A thick voice mixed with a little hoarseness came out.

[Miss Si, I am Qi Mohan, who lived in Daqi Kingdom a thousand years ago…]

Hearing Qi Mohan’s self-introduction, Si Si almost couldn’t help laughing.

She doesn’t know if this person did it on purpose, but he actually imitated her way of speaking at the beginning, and introduced himself so differently……

Her good mood only lasted for a few seconds and was soon suppressed by Qi Mohan’s words.

Imperial Concubine Yun cried when she spoke and choked up and couldn’t speak anymore.

She had never suffered since she was a child and had always been held in the palm of her parents’ hands. Although she couldn’t imagine the suffering of the people in Qiushui City, she could understand some of the difficulties of Qi Mohan and the people from Imperial Concubine Yun’s sincere words.

The people had a hard time, and Qi Mohan, as the owner of the fiefdom, had an even harder time. To prevent the people from starving to death, he emptied the entire mansion.

This kind of selflessness was not something that everyone could do.

If it were an ordinary person, he could have stored a large amount of food at the beginning of the drought, as long as he didn’t care about the lives of the people, there would be no problem in providing food and drink for the people in the palace.

From the looks of the two little guys, it was not difficult to see that he didn’t do that. He treated the food he bought equally and didn’t abandon his people.

Si Si couldn’t help but admire Qi Mohan.

Admire his selflessness and sense of justice.

As soon as she put down the recorder, Xiao Qing handed over a clothes package.

The package was a little heavy in Si Si’s hand.

When she opened it, she saw two pairs of antique silver earrings and a silver hairpin inlaid with sapphires. In addition, there was a very smooth silver bracelet and two rings of a style she had never seen before.


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