Chapter 8: This young lady is strange

If these things were exchanged for silver and weighed, they would not be worth much.

In Si Si’s eyes, these were all antiques, but she doesn’t understand the market for antiques, so she doesn’t know what price they can be sold for.

If it weren’t for Si Si’s current situation, she really wouldn’t want to accept these jewels from Imperial Concubine Yun.

There was no way, they each had their difficulties, so this was just to get what they needed.

Of course, in such a situation, let alone using these jewels to exchange for supplies with her, even if she didn’t have them, she would not watch, so many people die of thirst and hunger, and would still choose to help.

Si Si rewrapped the jewels and put them away, then went to the refrigerator to get two bottles of milk, put them in the microwave to heat them, and gave them to the two little kids to drink.

“You guys drink some milk first.”

After that, she went to the warehouse supermarket on the first floor again and brought back a full cart of food with the same specifications as the one she had just sent out.

In addition, Si Si also brought a few packs of dragon beard noodles and eggs.

From the looks of the two little kids, it can be judged that their grandmother and uncle must be very hungry.

After being hungry for a long time, it was not suitable to eat something hard. Dragon beard noodles and eggs were milder, so let them fill their hunger for the time being.

The two little kids thought that the jewelry that their grandmother asked them to bring to their sister was worth the money, so their sister gave them so much food and water.

The two little ones were so happy that they almost jumped up.

Si Si was not in a hurry to let them leave. Although she felt sorry for the people in Qiushui City, if she could take this opportunity to resolve the crisis on her side, it would be the best of both worlds.

So, she picked up the recorder:

[Imperial Concubine Yun, Prince Rong, I listened carefully to the words just now, and I feel deeply sympathetic to your situation.]

[I will continue to provide you with food and water. As for the reward, it doesn’t necessarily have to be gold and silver. You can exchange vases, calligraphy, paintings, or some bowls, plates, porcelain, and other items you use daily with me.]

Looking at the dragon beard noodles on the cart, considering that the ancients didn’t eat them, Si Si continued:

[This time, I added some dragon beard noodles along with the food, they can be eaten after boiling in water.]

Having said this, Si Si pressed the recording stop button, handed the recorder to Xiao Qing, and asked the two children to take the supplies away.

This time, the two children brought a large cart of supplies away, but it didn’t shock Qi Mohan and Imperial Concubine Yun as they did just now.

Instead, the two were more concerned about the new content in the recorder.

After hearing what Si Si said, Imperial Concubine Yun was a little puzzled.

“This young lady is really strange. She doesn’t want gold or silver, but some worthless items.”

Qi Mohan was also puzzled.

“Now the money in the mansion has been squandered. Even the jewelry that my mother has saved for most of her life has been used to exchange for food. What is left are those worthless vases and ornaments.”

As for the bowls and porcelains that Si Si mentioned, in Qi Mohan’s eyes, they were the most worthless items. They were not worth exchanging for food, so he ignored them.

Hearing this, Imperial Concubine Yun seemed to realize something: “Could it be that because I cried when I was speaking just now, Miss Si felt sorry for us and asked for these symbolically?”

“If that’s the case, how should we repay her?”

Qi Mohan also thought about this question, and his fingers tapped the table from time to time.

“No matter what, if Miss Si wants those things, we will give her everything in our mansion. When the crisis is over, we will find a way to compensate her.”

Imperial Concubine Yun nodded in agreement: “Yes, you are right. Let someone move the vases and other items in the mansion here, and let Qing’er and Mujin deliver them to Miss Si.”

Speaking of delivering things to Si Si, Qi Mohan looked at the sky, he turned around, and asked the two children: “Is it night over there at Miss Si?”

Xiao Mujin nodded vigorously several times: “It’s also dark there. I looked at the moonlight, it should be the same as here.”

Qi Mohan stood up: “In this case, don’t disturb Miss Si’s rest today. Let’s prepare the things first, and then send them in the morning.”

When the two kids heard their uncle say this, their faces showed disappointment.

They also wanted to see the beautiful sister and talk to her. In addition, the milk given by the beautiful sister was fragrant and sweet, and they wanted to drink it……

However, their uncle had already spoken, and even if they were unwilling, they would not refute anything.

Qi Mohan came to the door: “Come here.”

Soon, a black shadow appeared in front of him.

Qi Mohan ordered: “Han Yi, go and call a few people to move some vases and ornaments here, and bring some calligraphy and paintings from my study.”

Han Yi looked puzzled. He thought to himself, the prince must be starving. Why does he want to move those things at this time?

Although he was doubtful, Han Yi didn’t dare to neglect it at all. After answering, he turned around and went to work.

Imperial Concubine Yun also came to the door. She asked the maid to light a fire in the small kitchen. She wanted to cook a few bowls of dragon beard noodles to fill their stomach.

The maidservant served Imperial Concubine Yun for a long time and knew her limits. Even though she was curious about why the Imperial Concubine wanted to light a fire when there was no food or water in the palace, she refrained from asking.

The stove in the kitchen was lit, and Qi Mohan personally brought two packages of dragon beard noodles and a few eggs to deliver them.

Imperial Concubine Yun’s clothes were the same as the two children’s. Because there was no water to wash them, the original color could no longer be seen. At this time, she didn’t worry about getting her clothes dirty.

She rolled up her wide sleeves and poured a large bucket of mineral water into the pot.

Then she followed Si Si’s instructions, put the noodles into the boiling water, and beat in a few poached eggs.

There was still some salt in the small kitchen, so she added some. It was a little bit better than bland.

The steaming dragon beard noodles came out of the pot, and six large bowls were filled at once.

Smelling the long-lost aroma of food, the people in the room were so excited that tears were about to come out.

One could even feel that the days of luxury were coming back.

Imperial Concubine Yun wiped the sweat from her forehead and told the maid to bring the noodles to the room of the two children.

Coincidentally, at this time, Han Yi also brought a few people to move the first batch of vases and ornaments.

Smelling the long-lost aroma of food, Han Yi thought he was hallucinating.

But when he saw the fragrant noodles on the table, he felt sick.

His stomach, which could have lasted for two days, suddenly made a series of grumbling noises.

And the guards who followed him to move things almost drooled all over the floor……

Qi Mohan also felt sorry for these subordinates. If they hadn’t accompanied him to protect the people of Qiushui City, with their abilities, they could have escaped to a place with water sources. Why stay here and wait for death?

Imperial Concubine Yun understood her son. She looked at the guards and said: “Don’t just stand there. Sit down and eat noodles.”

The guards were very hungry. If it were normal times, they would never dare to sit down and eat in front of their masters.

At this moment, they could no longer care about many things. As soon as Imperial Concubine Yun spoke, the six people, led by Han Yi, sat around the table and started to feast.

Even if they die, they must die with a full stomach……


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