Chapter 124: Woman is really troublesome (Part 2)

Although Lin Chujiu is not as approachable as before, she still doesn’t make anyone feel embarrassed. She only closes her eyes and goes back to the topic… …

There were several complicated acupuncture points that Doctor Wu doesn’t understand. So, he asks a few more things about it. Lin Chujiu patiently explain them, but she didn’t use a local medical knowledge.

Doctor Wu become emotional because he had seen Lin Chujiu’s long patience. Not everyone can do that. And no male doctor is as good as her.

When Xiao Tianyao learned that Lin Chujiu pointed out the acupuncture points without any mistake, he didn’t surprise: “She has always been this clever.” She was the only one who knows this in Xiao Wangfu, so why she didn’t refuse?

Doctor Wu is a doctor himself, but he is not good as Lin Chujiu. So, when he massaged Xiao Tianya’s legs, he… …

Felt so tired. He doesn’t know if it’s due to his old age or lack of skills. But when he massaged his legs for two times in a day, Doctor Wu felt like he runs for eight hundred miles. His hands were even shaking from the tiredness. He couldn’t even hold a bowl.

“Wangfei doing this before to Wangye every day is really admirable ah.” Doctor Wu doesn’t want to admit that he can’t compare to a woman, so he insisted massaging Xiao Tianyao for a few days more, but… …

He really couldn’t stand it.

So, Doctor Wu look for a young and strong apprentice. He teaches him the proper skill so that he will give Xiao Tianyao a massage every day. Fortunately, Xiao Tianyao has no any objection.

But, why it’s not Lin Chujiu?


In a blink of an eye, half of the month had already passed. Divine Doctor Mo haven’t figured out the cause of the Third Prince’s disease, but he successfully controlled his condition. The Third Prince didn’t get sicked for half month. Because of this, the Emperor got very satisfied with Divine Doctor Mo and promised him that, as long as he will keep the Third Prince’s safe. He will also keep Mo Yuer safe. 

With the emperor’s generous proposal, Divine Doctor Mo felt a little secured inside his heart. And with the emperor’s protection, Xiao Tianyao wouldn’t be able to do anything to them. And because of that, Divine Doctor Mo put more effort in taking care of the Third Prince.

After recuperating for half a month, Lin Chujiu got a lot better. And in these past few days, she tried going out. But, that is only when Xiao Tianyao is having his massage and medicinal bath. The two of them is living in the same yard for half a month, but they haven’t seen each other.

Lin Chujiu admits that it was intentional. She is a person that can control her temper, but she won’t be able to stop herself from responding negatively. Xiao Tianyao also knows that Lin Chujiu is doing this intentionally, but… …

He doesn’t know what to do. 

He wants to compensate her, but he doesn’t know where he will begin because Lin Chujiu is staying silent. So once again, Xiao Tianyao hopes for Lin Chujiu to open up. He wants her to cry out all her grievances, all her dissatisfaction and put her demands one by one just like before. By then, he will know what he has to do. But, Lin Chujiu doesn’t give in.

“Woman is really troublesome.” Xiao Tianyao who was sitting in front of a desk said while in a daze. His left hand was propping his head, his eyebrows were wrinkled and it looks like he was in a big trouble.

If Su Cha knows that Xiao Tianyao is worrying about how he will coax Lin Chujiu, and not the corruption issue or his reputation. He would really laugh out loud.

So, one thing is for sure, that Lin Chujiu is more important than any of those things!

Unfortunately, such thing will remain secret even if they are brothers. Xiao Tianyao will never reveal it.

A big grown-up man worrying a young lady is simply embarrassing ah… …

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40 Replies to “Chapter 124: Woman is really troublesome (Part 2)”

  1. I am tired pf ML. Can MC just forget about him and find something else to do? Perhaps building hospital and teach other doctors. It will be hard but more satisfied and interesting that readong about love and ML. When this wang died, I would be so happy that I will cry from happpiness. The writer really wrote stupid ML. For all his army victories I don’t understand how his brain doesn’t function.It is basic to talk to each other. He was wrong and now he is embarassed to talk. He didn’t apologized and he still wants that MC forgives him and gives everything to this crazy relantionship. He can choose when wants to be good to her or ttalk to her. And she always has to give up everything for him. Basically he wants her to be his dog/plaything. He can always kill her if he is not happy and she must just be quiet if he makes mistakes and be happy that he acts to her like she us dirt-she was almost dying. Servants get better treatment than her and they are also more smart than ML. I hope in future he dies or she can escape him. I would rather she is poor or servant to somebody else than be wangfei
    She would have better life. After reading I always this anger in my stomach and have to read something funny. I am not so angry when I read venegence CN because I know ML almost always support MC or at least talk to her or listen to her or gives something to their relantionship.

    1. I couldn’t agree more… with windowed Lin Chujiu plot I would be so happy. However there’re only dream of readers, sign =_=

      1. Unfortunately, if XTY dies, I doubt she could live a happy life as a widow.

        Firstly, what’s to say she actually survives his death? She might be killed in the attack or maybe by XTY who wants to spare her the shame from attackers / other people afterwards.

        Secondly, ironically, XTY’s coldness towards her is better than what she had from most people. Indifference might be better than repeated attempts to insult, harm or other things.

        Thirdly, she has pretty much noone to currently depend on.

        1. If XYT dies, I would ship her with 3rd Prince. He doesn’t want to be king. If they were together, she would heal his legs and have a more peaceful life traveling with him xD
          She would be a traveling doctor and he would be her assistant 😉

      2. the only reason i’m still reading this is so that I can see ML suffer even if a little and then drop it. because it is a fact that he is the ML and will remain so. And I can’t stand that. I’ll stop when he’s suffering and imagine that he suffers even more, she dumped him, and finally has a relationship with someone better.

    2. from the time she was injured, I have been wishing even more that its the final straw & that she leaves! but sadly its not gonna happen…
      Honestly, i dont see how a smart modern day woman can put up with this! Falling in love was fine, but having no say in a relationship is too much!
      Plus, She is not some useless person who wont be able to do a thing if she escapes..
      She has the system & medical knowledge…
      She could get a divorce or simply run away… then raise her name as a famous doctor… open something like red cross
      Or even save a new princes’ life and become an empress!

      The ml honestly sucks… i know this is a 1000+ chapter novel, n vr just over 100chapters in, but his personality & behaviour are unacceptable

      1. She could put up with this because she’s smart… She knows she has no one to lean on/trust here, she is powerless in this “no human rights” era, if she tried something and fails, she just ends up on execution, basically she can live in isolation and humiliation in that trash ML’s wangfu than to be further hurt and humiliated outside that dreadful place…

      1. about venegence CN novel I mean novels where MC is on revenge against other people like The Rebirth of the Malicious Empress of Military Lineage, The Princess Wei Yang, Chongfei Manual or stories who are similar with this one but with better ML (modern women back in old times with support ML after time) like Eight Treasures Trousseau,Chu Wang Fei,To Be A Virtuous Wife,Xian Wang Dotes On Wife,Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss- I also recommend this story Empress with no Virtue. It is about MC who is not modern woman but she is very clever and story stars with her becoming empress which she does not like. You have to read her first night with emperor and her comment about it. And she is so funny with concubines and emperor is especially funny after he got H*books from prostitue as gift ( dont worry heis not cheating MC, he just asking for advice how to make his wife love him and let him slepp with her). You see in this story ML also has emotion troubles but he does something about him. He goes seek advice incognito. But he is working on himself and does not aspect to only change MC and not himself. He also invest in his relationshio with his wife.Not I the start but after seeing MC and her work, it not takes more than 100 chapters to get in his brain that MC also human with her circumstances.

    3. Hate to be the bearer of bad news but from what I got from GTL it gets worse before it gets better but it does get better just not in a way you have ever seen from these types of novels

    4. I can’t even get angry anymore at his stupidity… He really is a person without a single love bone in his body… So insensitive, insincere, unthoughtful, and his list of faults continue on…. Haaa (´△`) ˇ‾︿‾ˇ

    5. The attitude of the ML towards the MC at first is very frustrating, annoying and irritating. You’ll really lose your temper to him but after finishing the entire story, it was really better that the both of them started like this. *a bit of spoilers* The mistrust of MC towards the ML at this point will lessen but still continue throughout even if they are already together. But because the MC usually questions the ML’s decisions at first, she was able to understand deeply how and why his decisions are like that in the future part of the story. Knowing the negative attitude of each other just made their relationship more fitting, as they adjusted these for each other. This was their foundation, and it was because of this that made their relationship stronger until the end of the story.

  2. Wow long comment…. but please ML stop worry about too much face if you don’t want to lose her for real… she’s already this stubborn, and you still refuse to ask for advices…

  3. You know, I actually still like ML he’s sometimes cute, sometimes annoying but that’s exactly like real life guys, nobody’s perfect.

    1. Real guys don’t allow their injured wife to stay injured for a day and a half… No decent man will threaten their girl they will die if she displease him… No man is perfect yes, but this man is still worse that worst… What is likeable with this ML?

  4. I feel spoiled with so many chapters in one day! Thank you <3

    I hope she keeps her grudge for a while – so I can feel all the satisfaction when he grovels and she just impassively looks at him.

    1. I think she’ll keep it to her grave… She might forgive him but she will never forget… That’s why I want him to suffer for the rest of his life with MC’s calmbess and indifference towards him… Serves that trash right!!!

  5. Thank you Stephanie L. for the chapter. XD

    Ah they are such dummies. Has anyone noticed that half of their problems would be solved if they just talked to each other?

    1. Half? try 99% 😛

      If they talked to each other and treated each other like Human Beings rather than either a source of shelter (for LC, TO BE FAIR, she really did try to treat him like a human before this imo.) or a source of amusement/servant (XTY pretty obvious why), they’d eliminate basically everything wrong.

      Perhaps then they’d be able to support each other rather than LC working her butt off trying to make sure everything goes according to her plan and getting nothing in return that she doesn’t ask for, not even the bare minimum “thank you”.

      Think the only problems leftover would be XTY not knowing what to think about her system and it’s equipment (and honesty, this is a nonfactor, she’s effectively white washed this by saying she learned from a master), and the kingdom stuff (which also isn’t a major issue since it’s an uneasy truce between Xiao Wangfu and the Emperor, but it IS a long lasting one prior to this.)

      1. The kingdom stuff is the major issue between them, though. There is no truce of any sort between Xiao Tianyao and his brother, the emperor; there’s no such thing as a truce where one party continues to attempt killing the other, openly or not. If openly, that is war; if by assassination, that is a cold war.
        Xiao Tianyao cannot immediately trust a person the emperor thrust upon him – especially one who comes from the household of one of the emperor’s greater lackeys. It is even harder when the day that person comes into his fu, there is a major and publicly obvious mass attempt at assassinating him. That’s suspicious in anyone’s world. Anyone in conflict with their sovereign is going to be highly suspicious of a gift (especially one with the ability to walk, talk, think, maybe stab or poison you…) from that sovereign.
        The problems are rooted in the kingdom stuff, though, because he is a prince. This is a kingdom in an ancient Chinese setting, wherein the wife is subject and property of the husband. Moreso if the husband is a prince. XTY and many of his contemporaries have little respect for women, even of their own level in society. It is apparently difficult to respect someone as even a full human being when you own them. For him, a woman is a commodity in which he hasn’t bothered trading for most of his life. She is “supposed to be” there to do whatever he says, whenever he says, respond in the manner of his desiring, and then get out of the way all the while keeping the manor running smoothly, efficiently, and as comfortably/safely/nobly as one may wish. Like any other servant, the wife was subject to scolding, beating, sexual assault, and death on the whim of the lord and master of the fu, again moreso if the lord is a prince. The wife is essentially the head servant, although she may be supplanted by anybody the prince chooses to put above her. The wife granted by the monarch must be kept alive, and trotted out whenever socially required until such point as the monarch ceases to demand or command that sort of obedience. After which, she may be even more constrained than the servants.

        That being said, he needs to at least clue in to the fact she is not an adversary, and may even be of assistance. He really does need to be the first to approach her, and he needs to do it on her level, not from on high as the master in his castle. If he afforded her obvious respect which the servants could acknowledge, and he talked with her about their situation (rather than making pronouncements and demanding answers which do not exist) – then he could salvage a relationship with her. Until then, to her, he’s a lousy boss in the only live-in situation open to her, and if she lives long enough to regain all her faculties, she will only be interacting with him as little as she may.

        1. Fair on the kingdom stuff, perhaps 99% would be an overstatement. I was thinking more along the lines of the situation isn’t likely to escalate more or put either party in a worse situation if they were working together compared to the current scenario (honestly, problems in the Wangfu imo is a larger problem than external issues, especially when it comes to personal issues where even XTY’s feelings/thoughts over a long period of time might be affected.)

          I personally think she’s done enough to distance herself from her former “owners” if we’re going by that analogy personally. I feel she already had multiple chances to injure XTY if she really wanted to and by this point, if she’s supposedly a double agent, that’s going in really deep, probably deeper than necessary considering she indirectly already told XTY that doctors double as poison masters and she could have easily messed with his medical bath and committed double suicide with him (because there’s no way his guards would let her live.)

          As for XTY just blatantly disrespecting women, I don’t see it to quite that level, most CN novels overstate this and then do gigantic about faces to slap the author’s in their face when a different woman manages to wield significantly more power than their background would suggest, there’s maybe… 2 or 3 CN novels that actually keep this setting consistent (and even in those, women aren’t treated as non factors/objects, they’re treated as being potential chess pieces of the Wangfu, which makes a hell of a lot more sense than women being objects, although on the surface, the approach sounds similar.)

          That said, I do realize that the “official” positioning make sense so I fell back on his military background instead, he’s barely treating her as a subordinate in my opinion, if a subordinate does a good job, there should be a fairly obvious reward/punishment system in play, even if there isn’t, it should be exceedingly clear when she’s done a service that’s above what he originally commanded of her. I think that sort of works well enough in this context, he doesn’t know what she wants but knows that she needs a reward of some sort, hence he’s waiting for her to open her mouth.

          Hmm… writing this may have been helpful for reorganizing thoughts, particularly around him just flat out being horrible at communicating…

          Either way, I agree with you, XTY needs to talk to her on an equal level (or at the very least, at a level where she doesn’t feel intimidated by him)

  6. thank you for the chapters!!!
    This wangye makes my blood boiling hot *superannoyed*
    we need 2nd ML… replacing this thickskullidiot

  7. Lol, same as these people here , I always have this fire when I read recent chapters.
    Thanks for the translation, it must be hard for you to translate it as well but.
    That aside, any 2nd ML in this novel?

  8. You!!!! You brazen scum XTY pls just die a hundred thousand times LCJ just forget bout that iceberg
    Thanks for d updates😍😍😍😍

  9. Thanks for the chapters!
    Sure, XTY never failed to amaze me with his foolishness. Look like the author still didn’t know how they will write his character as he always change at every chapter. One chapter he’s like ‘omg my waifu is hurt she should be resting and I am a bad husband with stupid pride’ and one chapter he’s like ‘she can go die, she didn’t take my kindness well’.

    He want LC complain her grievance to him, but she’s already learning that complaining didn’t help her before. Maybe the author want to make a cute tsundere male lead, but they are failed wonderfully.

    On the other hand, great job LC!!! Ignore him every day because silence is more hurt than actual complaint~

  10. Why do you keep wanting a woman like LCJ to act like all those other woman in your world ah? Here I was thinking that you already thought that she was different from any woman you’ve ever seen so why, why do you keep hoping she will make the move first? Your a man so freaking put down your pride for once and make a move first. Stop expectig when there is nothing to expect. How low is your EQ huh? Just please, if you put yourself down and talk to her like you mean it then maybe you could become a better man.

    Thanks for the chapter

    1. His IQ is as low as his EQ in regards human relationships… I have given up telling him off in the comments section…. I don’t ever want to meet a guy like him….

  11. Is it only me, but the more I read about Su Cha thinking or talking about Chinju, I can’t help but ship them, he may be like Qishao a bit but he’s a pretty decent guy….

    P.S. I’ll try to erase ML in my comments from now… And just comment on LC and other MLs…. That might calm me down better…

  12. Well if you want a proliferation of good ML contestants and a reincarnation story without the cheat system this story is pretty good.
    Bone Painting Coroner (画骨女仵作)
    Author : Li Duo Wu (厘多乌)

  13. Oh come on now… Isn’t it the time for a supporting male lead to come and pour a barrel of vinegar into male lead’s throat -_-. I demand a change of male lead too.

  14. Women are not troublesome, it’s men that are stupid…LOL~ If only he knew how to treat her right in the first place, SMH! Chujiu needs a new male lead!

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