Chapter 104: This student has bad conduct

Grandma Qin was so angry that she wanted to take off her shoes to beat her rebellious granddaughter. But suddenly, she was interrupted, so she suppressed her temper and looked at the other person. He was dressed very decently. The Qin Family didn’t have such a decent relative: “You are…”

She didn’t recognize him, but the Female Teacher did: “Isn’t this Director Xing?”

The three words Director Xing made everyone present feel a chill in their hearts. In this day and age, people who can become directors are considered to be the most cultured and remarkable people in the eyes of ordinary parents.

Ye Ru was also slightly surprised, and quickly stepped forward in a dignified and polite manner: “Hello, Director Xing, my name is Ye Ru, and I am a teacher at a middle school.”

Grandma Qin didn’t expect that this was a director-level figure. She was in awe and thought that it was her own business that attracted the attention of the other party, so she quickly apologized: “Are we too noisy? I’m sorry, I made you laugh.”

Father Xing stretched out his hand and said: “Actually, I should be sorry. I delayed the little comrade’s request before. The little comrade didn’t lie just now. It was indeed me who agreed to help her go back to school. I testify.”

Grandma Qin was stunned.

Ye Ru and the Female Teacher were also stunned.

Qin Hongfei thought to herself that this help was not in vain.

Director Xing was a kind person. He could have just told the school and left. But now he came to explain, which indirectly cleared his name. She said: “Thank you, Uncle Xing.”

Director Xing said: “Go in and register first, don’t delay.”

“Director Xing.” The Female Teacher hurriedly said, “You may not know that this student has bad conduct.”

Qin Hongfei was no longer in a hurry to register.

She was just worrying about this, and the other party rushed to the gun.

Director Xing looked at the female teacher and said seriously: “Teacher Liu Yu, right? Let’s go and talk somewhere else.”

What’s the point of calling for a joke in public? Liu Yu was determined not to let Qin Hongfei enroll, so she led the way.

Qin Hongfei also followed but was caught halfway. It was Ye Ru: “Why are you following us?”

Qin Hongfei tilted her head slightly, with a bit of teasing in her beautiful eyes: “Fifth Aunt, you’re asking a funny question. This matter is related to me, so I have to go in, otherwise, right and wrong will be decided by others. Don’t you want me to go in?”

Ye Ru really didn’t want to ask her to go in, but Qin Hongfei didn’t listen to her plan and went in directly.

Director Xing asked the school to make room. The vice principal, Teacher Liu, Ye Ru, Qin Hongfei, and several teachers stood together.

Director Xing asked someone to move a stool for Grandma Qin, and Qin Hongfei sat down: “Teacher Liu Yu said that this student had bad conduct. Now I want to hear what this student has done.”

Teacher Liu excitedly told the story of Qin Hongfei’s disrespect for teachers and the parents taking the lead in making trouble.

Grandma Qin was so ashamed that she said: “It’s all my family’s fault……”

Director Xing raised his hand to stop her and said: “I’ve heard about this once at the school gate. What else?”

Teacher Liu Yu heard something was wrong. She wanted to exaggerate, but Qin Hongfei was here, so it was difficult to add: “There are dozens of students in the class. I can’t let her affect other students.”

Ye Ru added: “This child is usually disobedient at home, and her mother is also…” She had an expression that was hard to describe.

Grandma Qin couldn’t blame her daughter-in-law, so she quickly assured her, “Director Xing, this child is actually not bad at heart, but she is sometimes easily confused. Please give her another chance.”

Director Xing was speechless.

He signaled Grandma Qin not to worry, then turned to Teacher Liu and shouted: “This is simply nonsense. Just because the student made a small mistake, a teacher embarrassed the student in front of dozens or hundreds of students at the school gate. Teacher Liu, how did you get accepted into this school?”

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