Chapter 108: Should I tell?

Seeing her speaking without restraint in front of an important person, Grandma Qin couldn’t help but shout: “Feifei, don’t talk nonsense.”

What does she mean it’s better to report her? It was like buying cabbage.

Even if she thought so in her heart, she couldn’t say it out loud. How can this child be so stupid?

Qin Hongfei didn’t say anything. She was just telling the truth.

Mrs. Xing knew Grandma Qin’s concerns and didn’t take them seriously. She said kindly: “Old lady, don’t worry. What the child said is not wrong. If Teacher Liu Yu is wrong and it is found out that she is indeed wrong, it is good for the students. If she is not wrong, there is no need to worry about being expelled. It’s just right to clarify today’s matter.”

She didn’t think Qin Hongfei did anything wrong. She just protected her rights. The child’s parents taught well, so they could interact more: “Student Xiao Qin, right? If you have nothing to do, you can come to Auntie’s house to play. You and my son are about the same age, so you should be able to play together.”

One was in junior high school and the other was in high school.

Auntie, aren’t you sure we are the same age?

However, it was not bad to deal with people like the Xing Family. Qin Hongfei nodded and said: “Okay, Auntie.”

Then they separated from the three members of the Xing Family.

Qin Hongfei looked back at Grandma Qin, and Grandma Qin also looked at her. She didn’t know what to say, so they just looked at each other in silence, and then returned to the Qin Family’s old house together. The whole family was there. Even Xia Lu also came over and was busy preparing food for the children.

Grandma Qin said: “Eat here with your mother today.”

Qin Hongfei had no objection. Mainly because she didn’t have time to have an objection, Grandma Qin went into the kitchen.


In the kitchen

After Grandma Qin came in, she silently grabbed the vegetables, washed the vegetables, and stamped the meat, without a single expression throughout the whole process.

Second Aunt Qin knew that her mother-in-law had dragged the children of the first branch to register today. Seeing that her mother-in-law had no expression, she didn’t look angry, but she didn’t look happy either.

She couldn’t help but wonder, what happened to the eldest branch’s school registration!

She wanted to ask, but her fifth sister-in-law hasn’t returned yet.

Third Aunt Qin was more direct. As soon as she came in, she asked: “Mom, how is the registration going? Didn’t it go well?”

Grandma Qin paused slightly and looked up at her two daughters-in-law. She was stunned.

Should she tell them that she met the director of education? Should she say she was still shocked and worried?


She forced herself to be calm and said lightly: “No, it went smoothly. She paid the tuition and can return to school when school starts.”

Second Aunt Qin heaved a sigh of relief: “That’s good. After all, you have to study hard to have a future.”

Third Aunt Qin thought it was all thanks to the fifth sister-in-law’s help, so she said: “I guess Fifth Sister-in-law helped a lot. It’s because she’s well-educated and Wanwan is a sensible child. However, the First Sister-in-law’s temper, tsk…”

Grandma Qin listened to her saying a lot of things. She was talking about the first branch and praising the fifth branch. It was normal. Qin Wanwan helped contact the middleman before and helped the third branch earn a small fortune!

Qin Wanwan was also willing to spend money on Qin Qian and the others. She was sensible, even though she couldn’t find fault with it.


It was not the credit of the fifth branch this time, so they can’t take the credit.

“The fifth branch didn’t help Hongfei to enroll in school, Hongfei met the Director of Education.” Grandma Qin said.

Seeing the disbelief of her two daughters-in-law, they were probably just like herself in school, with a silly look on her face. Well, everyone was shocked, not just her.

“Originally, Teacher Liu was reluctant to let Hongfei enter the school, but the director came and dealt with it, and then…”

Grandma Qin continued: “Hongfei also reported Teacher Liu.”

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