Chapter 109: Nothing wrong

Grandma Qin was chopping the meat while being calm. Yes, she was calm. She was not shocked at all. She had seen a lot of things, and she would not let anyone see that she was shocked as she told them about the registration.

The two sister-in-law: “……”

Who am I?

Where am I?

What did I hear?

Qin Hongfei knows the Director of the Department of Education?

She reported her teacher?

It took Third Aunt Qin a while to sort out the situation: “Mom, are you joking? What are you talking about……”

Grandma Qin looked at her deeply.

Right? It sounds like a joke. If she hadn’t experienced it herself, she would also think it was a joke.

Second Aunt Qin murmured: “So what the Eldest Sister-in-law said before that Hongfei could go back to school was true. She wasn’t exaggerating. What is his name? How did Hongfei know him? Did she find a connection with Xia Shangxu?”

Grandma Qin didn’t know this either, but she knew a thing or two: “The director of the Department of Education said that Hongfei helped him. Maybe she found his wallet by chance and returned it.”

The first branch’s children were silly, not smart enough, and made small mistakes all the time, but there was no problem with their moral character.

Second Aunt Qin sighed: “Then she’s really lucky, and it’s not a bad thing at all.”

Third Aunt Qin said, “It’s not a bad thing, but it’s not a good thing either. Hongfei reported Teacher Liu. Isn’t Teacher Liu the Fifth Sister-in-law’s best friend? This is too offensive. There are only a few teachers in Southeast School. What if Xiao Qian and other children are assigned under Teacher Liu in the future? What should they do if they are bullied?”

The first branch always caused them trouble.

Qin Hongfei was too unkind.

Third Aunt Qin couldn’t help but feel a little resentful.

Before Grandma Qin could say anything, there was a quarrel outside. It turned out that Ye Ru returned late. After returning, she went directly to Xia Lu. She didn’t want to find Xia Lu, but she had no choice but to find her.

Xia Lu hated the fifth branch to the core. She couldn’t say anything nice when she saw Ye Ru’s face. If the two stood together, they would not be able to talk well.

Ye Ru took a deep breath and said to Qin Hongfei seriously: “Hongfei, listen to what I say. You must withdraw the report.”

Qin Hongfei was drinking water and said: “No.”

Ye Ru suppressed her temper and was about to say something else, but Xia Lu glared at her and said: “Stay away from my daughter. Don’t bring your mean style to my child. Feifei, what report?”

Qin Hongfei had just come back and didn’t have time to tell her. She said: “I went to school to register, but Teacher Liu wouldn’t let me, so I reported her.”

Xia Lu was very surprised and shocked. The next second, she said: “Really, Feifei, can you report Ye Ru as well?”

Qin Hongfei looked at her mother with admiration. She said she reported Teacher Liu, but she didn’t ask why and thought of reporting the Fifth Aunt as well. This train of thought… seems to be nothing wrong.

Ye Ru could still bear it at first and wanted to persuade kindly, but after hearing what Xia Lu said, she could no longer sit still, and rushed forward and said: “Xia Lu, do you know how long I have tolerated you? I advise you to be a decent person!”

Xia Lu was eager for her to do it because if she didn’t do it, she would not be able to beat her!

In excitement, she picked up the calendar next to her and threw it at her.

Ye Ru hurriedly turned away when the calendar was thrown at her, but it still scratched her face. The sharp corners left a scar on her face.

Seeing that Ye Ru was injured, Xia Lu was happy, and rolled up her sleeves and said: “Why don’t I smash you to death, you hypocritical villain, and you still persuade me to be a decent person? I, Xia Lu, don’t need you to teach me how to be a decent person!”

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