Chapter 114: What an unruly people!

After taking care of the younger one!

Grandma Qin looked at the eldest daughter-in-law again, and she was disappointed.

“You have been married into the Qin Family for so many years. I think I have been very kind and I don’t owe you anything… I never ask you to let go of the grudge between you and the fifth branch. I don’t care how you two quarrel and make trouble, but today the quarrel has even reached the point where the younger generation also quarreled and got hurt! Wanwan is the younger generation, and you are the elder. Do you need to take action against the child for the grudge between you and the fifth branch’s couple?” She was full of disappointment.

Xia Lu said unhappily: “It’s not me who started it first.”

Grandma Qin said angrily: “Shut up! It’s not you who started it, but you are the one who made the first move! The fifth daughter-in-law considers herself educated. She is arrogant and wants to save face. She won’t fight with you if she can talk.”

Xia Lu chose to be quiet.

There was nothing wrong with what the old lady said.

It was indeed she who started the trouble. It was her fault. She would not defend herself!

When Grandma Qin saw that she had acquiesced, she felt even more disappointed!

Headache, her head was aching so much.

Grandpa Qin saw that the old lady had finished playing the bad guy, so he slowly said: “Okay, we are all family. If you have anything to say, just say it. Your mother lost her temper for your good. You made a fool of yourself for no reason and caused discord among the younger generation! Tell me, why did you fight again this time? Don’t say anything, eldest daughter-in-law, and shut up, fifth daughter-in-law. Wanwan, you speak.”

Qin Wanwan wanted to speak.

Qin Hongfei took the lead and said: “Grandpa, I think it’s unfair to let the first branch speak, and it’s also unfair to let the fifth branch. Everyone will be biased towards their own family.”

Grandpa Qin glanced at her. Oh, she was getting bolder. She used to be a taciturn person, but now she dares to speak again and again. However, he also followed Qin Hongfei’s words and said: “Qin Yun, you speak.”

Qin Yun, who was named, looked around and jumped out in a few seconds. He was bold and was not afraid of the first branch or the fifth branch. He shrugged and said: “Grandpa, let me be fair. This time it was not the eldest aunt who started it. It was the fifth aunt who started it first.”

“Brother Qin Yun, you have been close to Qin Hongfei recently, so you will naturally speak for them.” Qin Nian said angrily: “It was the eldest aunt who went crazy and beat my mother and Wanwan first, right Qin Qian.”

Qin Qian fell into hesitation.

Qin Yun was extremely surprised: “Qin Nian, how can you lie at such a young age? You are blind. Qin Qian, don’t be afraid of him, tell the truth boldly!”

Qin Nian said firmly: “I am not lying. Everyone knows that the eldest aunt is crazy! She was the first to do it. Qin Qian, Wanwan is so good to you, you won’t help others, right?”

Qin Qian: “……”

She was stupefied, who was helping who?

She doesn’t know!

Qin Hongfei said: “Why embarrass Qin Qian? Brother Qin Yun says one thing, Qin Nian says another, Grandpa and grandma can judge the truth by themselves, anyway, no one is convinced by anyone, right?”

She glanced at Ye Ru and Qin Wanwan.

What an unruly people!

Ye Ru started it first, Qin Nian was lying, but they didn’t clarify it!

Qin Wanwan noticed Qin Hongfei’s eyes and felt a little uncomfortable. What kind of look was this? Does she look down on her? She wanted to tell the truth, but with so many relatives around, her mother was used to saving face and was holding her hand tightly to stop her from speaking.

Finally, Qin Yun said: “When Fifth Aunt came back, I don’t know what she said to Hongfei, but Hongfei said no.”

“Then, the Eldest aunt and the Fifth Aunt had a conflict. They often quarreled, so I didn’t pay much attention to it… Who knew they would fight? But it was the Fifth Aunt who started it first!”

After a pause, he said: “But the Eldest Aunt seemed to have said something very excessive.”

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