Chapter 123: Cheap

Shou glanced at her notebook, and suddenly remembered something, and asked: “A computer for Tang Xiaojin.”

Qin Hongfei nodded casually. The configuration was the best on the market. If it didn’t work, she could make it herself, but she couldn’t make a display screen herself. It was not that she couldn’t make it, but first, she needed equipment. The problem was she didn’t have those.

In short, it was very troublesome.

She wondered if there would be any in Yangcheng.

However, Shou glanced at the notebook and said with great certainty: “No.”

He didn’t just say it. But when the old liar, Old Professor Li, made a computer for his friend. Everyone was there at the time. A friend asked if he could make a thinner screen. Old Professor Li said that there was no one on the market at present, and if there was, he would… huh?

Shou paused.

He said: “Maybe.”

“But it may not be as good as you expected.”

Qin Hongfei also guessed it. After all, it was only the 1990s. She can’t expect the things that will be available 30 years later in the 1990s, let alone the technology: “As long as it’s slightly better than what is commonly seen on the market. That’s enough. How much and how to buy…”

This was the main point.

Shou looked at her with annoyance and said: “It’s not something you can buy with money. Even Old Professor Li can’t get it if he wants it, let alone you. Unless you barter, use something of equal value to exchange with the manager of the largest science and technology institute in Central City.”

Qin Hongfei said: “This rule is interesting. How do I exchange it?”

Shou suppressed his impatience and said: “Exchange with something of equal value or even higher quality. There are many latest parts of things in the world, such as the color surveillance newly developed by the Department of Computing, various small software, new drug formulas developed by traditional Chinese medicine, and historical artifacts found by scientific archaeologists, as well as biologists. Forget it, it won’t make sense to you. In short, if you want something, you have to exchange it with something of equivalent value. “

“The high-definition screen you mentioned should be available.”

“But there are not many. The price to replace it is not low. You probably can’t afford it.”

“Then can Tang Xiaojin afford it?” Qin Hongfei was glared at as soon as she said this.

She didn’t care. What’s wrong? The computer was for him. Can’t she ask? Forget it.

Qin Hongfei then said: “If I exchange it with a telescope or some special thing, is it okay?”

Shou glanced at her with a big look in his eyes saying ‘Who are you taking for a fool?’.

Qin Hongfei realized something and explained: “It’s not an ordinary telescope. It can see infrared rays.”

Special equipment.

It was also the first thing Qin Hongfei learned in the other world. It looked like an ordinary telescope, but it was controllable. It could be turned into night vision goggles at night. If people were on a mission and wanted to steal something in some special places, those places would have electromagnetic waves present, commonly known as infrared rays. Those infrared rays can be seen from the monitoring equipment, but they are invisible to the naked eye. There were no glasses that could see infrared rays through ordinary equipment.

But Qin Hongfei had been to the future.

Opposite, Shou looked at her like an idiot. Does she think he was stupid?

He had seen an infrared telescope. If she had it, he could sell Tang Xiaojin. Haha…

Seeing his unbelieving look, Qin Hongfei didn’t waste any words. She went upstairs. When she came down, she took a small object and gave it to him. It was small and had miniature shape. She made it after she came here. It was not difficult to make it, but the main point was it was cheap.

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