Chapter 36: To Save the Cat

Uncle Zhang was ambitious!

But Qin Hongfei was not a fool!

“Not so good…”

“Your store is full of broken copper and iron, both good and bad. Except for you, who knows what is missing and what is not? Once people come down, who knows if you insist that something is missing, even though we don’t know what you have in your store? So, Uncle Zhang, you don’t have the final say.”

“Besides, I just trust my friend! It has nothing to do with guarantee or not.”

“Whether something is stolen or not is not just because you say it is, or it is not just because I say it is not. I just express my trust in him. As for the rest, let’s talk about it when people come down…” Qin Hongfei said indifferently: “But I can promise you that if he steals your things, I will compensate you with 10x the price of the things. Now, let’s calm down and find a ladder to rescue the person first.”

The roof was very high and it was raining.

Everyone below is thinking about catching people, but not moving ladders to rescue people.

Uncle Zhang and the others did not move……

It was Qin Yun who trotted away and soon brought a wooden ladder over: “Hongfei, the ladder is here, I’ll put it here…”

Everyone looked up and shone the flashlight up, but no figure was seen.

The uncle wearing a raincoat took the initiative to say: “I’ll go up and take a look…”

As he was speaking, Shou suddenly said: “No need!”

The person appeared.

Even in the rain at night, a tall figure could be seen appearing on the simple tile eaves.

He turned over from the opposite side and sat down, with one hand on the eaves. When he was illuminated by the flashlight, he just raised his head slightly, calmly and coldly ignoring the surrounding noise, and his eyes locked on Qin Hongfei at the front of the crowd who was in the rain.

“The person appeared…”

“Let him come down first…”

Everyone talked at once.

Boss Zhang snorted: “I’ll see what he has to say when he comes down. The evidence is irrefutable.”

Qin Hongfei ignored him! She only thought to herself that she hoped these two people would not betray her trust, otherwise she would be slapped in the face!

Tang Jinnan looked at the ladder that Qin Yun had brought over and that everyone had helped to hold down, thought for a moment, and went down the ladder. When he was almost at the steps, he took a light step with his long legs and landed on the ground.

Shou took a big step towards him, not knowing what he saw, and said indifferently, “I knew it!”

Tang Jinnan smiled slightly. Although he was on top, he could hear the movement below, Boss Zhang’s words, and the conversation between Qin Hongfei and her party.

“Hey, kid, what are you doing on the roof?”

“You’re not stealing things…”

“It’s late at night, what else can you do besides stealing things? It’s raining, so you can enjoy the moon.” This statement caused everyone to laugh.

A “meow” sound suddenly rang out.

It was very faint, and no one noticed it at first.

But Qin Hongfei heard it. She had a sharp hearing and quickly determined where the sound came from. Tang Jinnan’s right hand, which had never been released, seemed to notice her gaze.

Tang Jinnan’s beautiful eyes showed a faint smile, and he released the little thing that he had been carefully protecting. A milky white kitten was lying on the palm of his hand, licking his palm and calling faintly. He looked down at the little guy in his palm, his eyes gentle: “I saw this little thing went up to the roof and couldn’t get down…”

Qin Hongfei looked at the milky white cat, then looked at him, and understood: “So you climbed up to the roof to save this cat?”

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