Chapter 38: I have a brother?

The repair shop was dirty and messy, and it was not suitable for living.

Their first branch’s house was not big, but there was an empty room next door that no one lived in. It can be lived in after cleaning it up. Qin Hongfei took Tang Jinnan and Shou there, handed them the key, and then left.

“Wait a minute.” Tang Jinnan saw that they were about to run into the rain again, and had to shout: “Is there a kitchen? I’ll borrow it.”

Half an hour later.

There was a dim light bulb hanging in the living room of the house. It was a little broken. It flickered, and the weather outside was like the beginning of a horror movie.

Qin Fei and Qin Yun took a shower and came out one after another. When it was Qin Hongfei’s turn to take a shower, Tang Jinnan also came out of the kitchen. Each of them put a bowl of black stuff in front of their table.

Qin Yun saw the thing and felt the malice from the world: “I suddenly remembered that I haven’t finished my homework yet.”

Qin Fei grabbed him and couldn’t help but say: “Stop it. When did you hand in your homework neatly? It’s raining so hard, you’ll get soaked when you go back. Stay here tonight. I’ll call and tell my second aunt.”

Qin Hongfei moved closer to the bowl and sniffed the ginger lightly. She took a sip: “Ginger soup?” So virtuous?

Tang Jinnan didn’t comment on the word virtuous: “I see you’ve been caught in a lot of rain tonight, and your body is prone to cold invasion. Drinking some ginger soup can prevent colds.”

Qin Hongfei gulped down the ginger soup in two or three gulps. After drinking it, she felt that it tasted good, but it was a little spicy!

She turned to look at Qin Fei and Qin Yun, then said: “Drink it. If you don’t want to catch a cold or fever, you have to drink bitter medicine.”

Qin Fei still wanted to go back to Yingshi City to make money, so she drank it without hesitation.

Qin Yun: “……”

Qin Yun heaved a sigh of relief when he heard that it was ginger soup instead of bitter medicine. Why didn’t you say it earlier?

After drinking it in one breath, he found it quite delicious. Suddenly he thought of a question: “By the way, Hongfei, A’fei, who are these two people?”

Qin Hongfei simply said, “Tang Jinnan, Shou! My distant relative, temporarily living in my house due to some circumstances.”

Qin Yun said: “You are lying.”

Qin Hongfei looked at him in surprise: Yeah, you figured it out.

Qin Yun said: “They are both in their 20s and look so good. If they are your relatives, how could I not know? If our relatives knew that your relatives are so good-looking, they would keep talking about helping them find partners all day long. I have never heard of them, so you must be lying!”

Qin Fei knew that Tang Jinnan and Shou had strange identities and did not want to cause trouble, so she helped Qin Hongfei to smooth things over: “Feifei is not lying, they are distant relatives. Distant relatives from my brother’s side, so it is normal that you have never seen them.”

When Qin Yun heard that it was his cousin whom he had never met, he immediately believed it hesitantly.

Qin Hongfei was stunned.

I have a brother, how come I don’t know?

Oh, it seems that when she was a child, she vaguely heard adults mention it. Because of his superior memory, he was taken away by the country to be trained, right?

As the three of them were talking, they didn’t notice that Tang Jinnan and Shou had some subtle expressions. Tang Jinnan looked at Qin Hongfei’s face, especially the unique color of her eyes, which looked familiar. He asked: “Your brother’s name is Qin Yan?”

Qin Hongfei, Qin Fei, and Qin Yun all looked at them with confused eyes.

Qin Fei wasn’t sure what her brother’s name was, after all, his household registration was not at home.

Qin Hongfei remembered it very clearly because the names of the brothers and sisters were all named according to colors.

Qin Yun: “Aren’t you a distant relative of their brother? Why are you asking his name?”

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