Chapter 46: Is this kid stupid?

Facts have proved that Qin Hongfei can repair computers. The second-hand computer that can no longer start-up in her hand has a blue screen and a series of codes were typed.

It quickly restarts and enters the main desktop. She also knows the problem of this second-hand computer. The motherboard was burned out, and the system has not been updated for a long time, which makes it impossible to enter the main desktop. It has nothing to do with how long it has been used. The memory stick was indeed damaged, but it can be replaced.

She told the young mother and son about the situation of the computer, without hiding it: “It can still be used after repair. Are you sure you want to sell it?”

The lady looked at her in amazement. How can such a young child be so powerful? How did her family raise her?

“How much does it cost to repair it?”

The motherboard and memory stick were the main operating components of the computer, which were relatively expensive.

According to the market price plus the repair fee, it will cost at least several thousand yuan.

She quoted the price truthfully.

“If it is repaired, it won’t break down again after a while?” The young man asked worriedly.

“No, unless you smash it violently, the basic operation will be fine for a few years.” Qin Hongfei pondered for a moment and said sincerely: “To be honest, I really need a computer, but if you let me buy it, I will pay more than a thousand yuan at most, which is about the market price, not too high or too low. You can find out first and then reply to me.”

The young man immediately liked Qin Hongfei.

If she wanted, she could deliberately say something bad, but she didn’t do it.

Anyway, it was already a broken computer, and there was no use for it, so he readily agreed to the deal.

Qin Hongfei happily paid 500 yuan first and found a tricycle to move the computer back to the repair shop. When Boss Zhang saw her moving such a broken computer back, he mocked: “What’s the matter, Xiao Qin, are you still doing electrical appliance recycling?”

Electrical appliance recycling, in most cases, recycling was for second-hand refurbishment and resale.

Poor families cannot afford new ones, so they will consider buying second-hand ones that can be used and make do with them. Another way was to recycle waste resources and decompose them into resources.

Qin Hongfei was in a good mood and ignored Boss Zhang’s sarcasm. Instead, she saw something thrown in Boss Zhang’s store. She couldn’t help but feel a little moved. She walked over and took it in. It was a processor of a computer motherboard. The electronic circuits on it were still intact. It was probably something that was not discarded by a store: “Uncle Zhang, do you still have this in your store?”

Boss Zhang was stunned. Is this kid stupid?

He mocked her, but she still talked to him.

However, after looking at the things in Qin Hongfei’s hand, he could only recognize that it was a circuit board. He had this thing, but not much, just two or three.

In addition, he also found memory sticks and hard drives, and all kinds of things were piled together.

Qin Hongfei checked and found that these were still usable: “Uncle Zhang, I want to take these things. How much do you sell them for?”

Boss Zhang can’t repair computers, but that doesn’t mean he has never seen the world. He knows that these are the things used in computers, but they are all discarded. However, seeing that Qin Hongfei wanted them, he said: “These are all computer parts. They are very expensive. Do you want to buy them and reuse them?”

Qin Hongfei guessed that he was going to ask for a high price when she heard his tone, and she was mentally prepared: “Name your price.”

Old Zhang saw that this little fool wanted them, and his eyes rolled slightly. He said: “After all, they are computer parts. If I take them to a computer shop to sell, they will be worth some money. How about this, I’ll sell them to you for 100 yuan.”

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