Chapter 48: Your family is poor

“How much did you spend on it? Tens of thousands, right?” Qin Yun was a boy who had a special liking for computers. When he saw the mini-game on it, he was surprised by the speed of opening it.

It was awesome. It took thirty-five seconds from clicking to starting. No.

“No, your family is poor. How could you spend tens of thousands on a computer!”

Qin Hongfei looked at him and seemed to know something about computers. She said: “I assembled it myself. How is it?”

Qin Yun looked at her suspiciously when he heard that she assembled it herself. Does she think he was stupid?

Did you assemble it?

Oh, for girls, plugging it in might be considered assembly.

He didn’t take it seriously and said: “It’s awesome. It will not lag when playing Warcraft and Empire. The computers in the Internet cafés are not as good as this. Can I play a game?”

Qin Hongfei said there was no Internet.

Qin Yun was like being splashed with cold water, and he was very cold: “Then when will you connect it to the Internet? I want to play.”

Qin Hongfei fell in thoughts and said: “I’m afraid my second uncle will come after me with a knife if I let you play on the computer. Forget it. Computers are considered bad things by adults these days.”

“Let’s talk about it later. You came just in time. Help me carry it home.” Computers cannot be placed in repair shops, otherwise they will be stolen in a matter of seconds.

Qin Yun frowned: “It’s so heavy, I don’t want it, why should I be a hard worker!” He was about to run.

Qin Hongfei grabbed him, “Brother… have you been to an Internet café?”

Qin Yun subconsciously wanted to deny it: No, I haven’t been there. Don’t talk nonsense.

Qin Hongfei sneered and thought that if he hadn’t been there, how could he be so familiar with computer games: “You know how to compare performance! If my second aunt knew that you went to the Internet café, your legs…”

Her eyes subconsciously moved. She was certain that her second aunt would chop his leg. She just doesn’t know which one was it.

Qin Yun secretly complained! How did he let it slip?

“You are so cruel, I will move it for you.”

Qin Hongfei was satisfied. She unplugged the power supply of the CPU and then carried the monitor. Seeing him walking out with a look of bitterness and hatred, she couldn’t help but chuckle and gave him a sweet treat: “Don’t look so sad. Wait until the network is installed, and you can play freely.”

Qin Yun’s face turned from gloomy to cloudy.

Qin Fei helped her carry the monitor, so it was not too heavy!

The two girls in the first branch of the Qin family are delicate, but they have done everything since they were young, so they have this little strength. Qin Hongfei’s right arm was hard to lift. She was sure it was swollen, but she didn’t care much. The successful assembly of the computer made her feel very good.

After returning home with the computer, she heard her mother and another voice praising people as soon as she entered the door.

Who were they praising?

Qin Hongfei entered the house and looked at the dishes on the table: braised pork, and pickled fish!

There were also fried eggs with tangerine peel, and soup. Xia Lu and a young man, their uncle, praised Tang Jinnan after tasting it. The look in their eyes was looking at a child kindly.

Even Qin Yun suddenly didn’t want to leave after seeing the dishes.

Tang Jinnan was the cook, and Shou was responsible for serving the dishes, with a stinky face.

Qin Hongfei looked at the dishes. She didn’t feel hungry at first, but now she felt her stomach growling: “Thank you for your hard work, oh, no, you are just serving dishes, it’s not hard work.”

Shou was unhappy and wanted to kick the stool, but he held back. If he dared to ask them to do housework, they would be kicked out of the house in Yangcheng in a second: “You woman, do you know what Tang Xiaojin’s hands are for…” But she asked him to cook.

Before he finished his words, he was interrupted by Tang Jinnan who came out later. The man came out of the kitchen in casual clothes, but his temperament was not affected by the smoke from the kitchen at all. He said gently: “Shou.”

Shou still had a murderous expression on his face.

Qin Hongfei sneered. When she was in the research world, there were at least a thousand people who wanted to kill her. He wanted to be the boss even if he lived under someone else’s roof. He was a spoiled brat!

But when she looked at Tang Jinnan, she couldn’t bear to be so rude. This man was obedient and there was nothing to complain about. She tilted her head casually and said: “Thank you for your hard work.”

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