Chapter 65: Being taken over by your teacher

Seeing Jiang Wan looking ashamed to death, Qin Hongfei silently raised her Coke and compromised: “I’m kidding.”

As long as he doesn’t think too much about it and commits suicide.

It’s a life, after all.

It’s just a piece of paper, she can write it again.

Really, she can!

“Sorry.” Jiang Wan smiled bitterly: “I lost my composure a little. I have a lot of second-hand parts, but what do you want to do with these parts?”

“Assemble, open an Internet café.” Qin Hongfei answered simply.

“Assemble second-hand parts into a computer?” Jiang Wan frowned slightly: “Won’t the machine be very slow to use?”

“Fortunately, in theory, it is like this.” Qin Hongfei saw that there was no other business, and seeing that he looked like he was dying, she sighed and chatted with him as if she was saving a life: “But it depends on how to assemble it.”

“You can assemble it?” Jiang Wan asked in surprise, how old are you?

“Even if I tell you, you still can’t learn it.” Qin Hongfei glanced at him, paused, and asked: “You study computer science, right?”

“Yes…” Speaking of his major, Jiang Wan scratched his hair in pain: “But I’m a loser. I’ve achieved nothing since college. I finally built a system, but there are always bugs that I can’t fix.”

He didn’t know why he was talking to a child about this. Maybe he needed a place to vent: “After today, I might change my career.”


Qin Hongfei looked at the man in front of her in surprise. He built such an awesome system, but he still said he didn’t achieve anything.

Does he have any misunderstandings about himself, or does she misunderstand him?

She became interested: “You made your system, what system?”

There are two types of computer systems. One was to make them yourself.

The other one was to install them. The installation method was that the system designer had already made it. The user only needs to install it according to the process. This kind of installation can be mastered even by those who don’t study computers in the future. So it was nothing, but if it’s the former, it’s awesome.

Jiang Wan said: “It’s a new system we made. Isn’t the system we use now imported from abroad? Those foreigners always look down on us, so I thought about making a local system. Although it was made, but…”

“But there were software incompatibility, various bugs, and loopholes.”

“It’s easy to cause virus invasion? That’s normal. It’s a common problem with new systems. It usually takes several years to study. You only spent 2 years…” Qin Hongfei looked at him puzzled: “This is all common sense for beginners in computing. Didn’t your teacher tell you?”

Jiang Wan felt that this young comrade was a little arrogant, and smiled bitterly: “My teacher said that this was a failure and that I didn’t have the talent for this, so he kept asking me to give up.”

There was a lot of unwillingness in his words.

Qin Hongfei’s eyes suddenly showed a strange look. She quickly guessed something and said: “If being able to make a system by yourself in the computer industry is not considered a talent…”

After a pause, she said: “Then most of those who study this subject are probably idiots. Since you can make a system, you should also be able to make a lot of software. I guess you have shown your teacher what you have made?”

“Yes, how do you know.”

“Go back and check whether the software and systems you made have been registered and released…”

Qin Hongfei’s calm eyes showed understanding and sympathy, and reminded: “If your teacher is not a mediocre person, I guess your teacher will probably take what you have made.”

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