Chapter 71: You are so extravagant

Qin Hongfei looked up and bumped into the other person’s eyes with a faint smile. She nodded calmly and called out: “Aunt Li.”

Aunt Li also lived in Qinhuai Street. Her mother-in-law had a good relationship with the Qin family. The Li Family had two sons and one daughter. When they were young, they often played wild on the same street and had a good relationship.

Xia Shangxu had a good relationship with Xia Lu and often visited them. Naturally, they had met before and greeted each other: “Sister-in-law Li.”

Aunt Li smiled and said curiously: “What are you two doing here?” She glanced at the things on the stall.

Qin Hongfei simply replied: “I’m collecting some parts.”

Aunt Li felt that the child’s attitude seemed a little cold, and smiled in confusion: “Collecting parts?”

She didn’t know the parts, but she knew how to read, second-hand computer parts: “Why are you collecting these?”

Qin Hongfei said calmly: “My cousin wants to open an Internet café, and he needs to get some parts to assemble computers.”

Aunt Li was extremely surprised. Even if she didn’t understand computers, she knew a thing or two. She couldn’t help but smile and said with concern: “Shangxu, you are too unreliable. Computers are not good things. How can get involved a child in Internet cafés? Be careful, your Cousin Xia will not forgive you if she finds out. If you get addicted, you’re done. Does your family know that you come here to do this?”

Qin Hongfei answered one by one: “My mother knows.”

Aunt Li thought: What’s the use of your unreliable mother knowing, does it matter whether she knows or not?

She thought so but didn’t express it.

She just smiled and advised a few words: “Hongfei, you can’t follow your uncle’s nonsense. Are you anxious because of Wanwan’s achievements? You can learn more from your sister Wanwan, but you can’t make trouble. You haven’t finished school yet, but you have to deal with computers. It’s no wonder that Grandma Qin is worried.”

If it was Qin Hongfei before the time travel, she might think that Aunt Li was worried about her and feel grateful and embarrassed, but Qin Hongfei has already entered the society and experienced it.

She has met all kinds of people. When she first met Aunt Li, she saw a little contempt in her eyes. The contempt was not obvious, but it was revealed inadvertently in her words.

It can be said that the first branch of the Qin Family used to be the closest to the Li Family. Later on, when her father got into trouble, the relationship with the Li Family became distant. On the contrary, the fifth room and those who had a bad relationship with the Li Family before became much closer to them.

If Aunt Li cared about Qin Hongfei, she wouldn’t avoid the first branch but instead, stay in Qin’s fifth room. One time, when Qin Fei took her out, Aunt Li was chatting with the neighbors near the fifth branch’s house. The two sisters called for help but were ignored.

Qin Hongfei knew it very well, but she did not point it out. She smiled and said: “Thank you, Auntie.” She did not say anything else and continued to eat steamed buns with her head down.

Aunt Li was bored. Looking at the lunch in the hands of the uncle and nephew, she couldn’t help shaking her head and found a reason to leave.

Xia Shangxu was already an adult, and he could see that Aunt Li didn’t think much of them. He didn’t care, but he was worried that Qin Hongfei would feel embarrassed.

However, Qin Hongfei finished eating two steamed buns leisurely, looked into his eyes, and seemed to see through what he was worried about. Without saying anything, she just said: “Uncle, I’m thirsty, buy me a bottle of Coke.”

Xia Shangxu pressed her head with his hand: “A steamed bun is worth 50 cents, but a Coke is worth 2 yuan, you are so extravagant!”

He said so much, but he still went to buy it. Qin Hongfei opened the can, inserted a straw, and drank it very carefully.

One bottle yesterday, and one bottle today.

This child loves to drink Coke, and almost one bottle a day these days.

Xia Shangxu said: “Don’t tell your mother that I bought you a drink when you go back, I’m afraid she will kill me.”

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