Chapter 85: How can it be so easy to make money?

Qin Wanwan couldn’t help but think……

Opening an Internet café? In her memory, Xia Shangxu seemed to have done business in her previous life, and Xia Lu helped a lot! That business was very profitable, but she remembered it appeared to be an electrical appliance business. How could it become an Internet café?

Are Internet cafés profitable at this time?

She thought it should be profitable, and she couldn’t help but have some thoughts in her heart.

“Mom, since grandma wants us to have a good relationship with the first branch, then we should try to keep in touch with them in the future, at least on the surface…” Qin Wanwan persuaded: “That cousin is very smart, maybe he could earn money.”

“Impossible.” Ye Ru didn’t want to hear this.

She didn’t want to see Xia Lu make money at all, and she thought Xia Lu couldn’t make money: “He might be able to earn money if he did something else, but it’s impossible to make money in an Internet café. Your Aunt Li’s brother does this. She said that opening an Internet café requires a lot of capital, and the investment in computers is also huge. Think about it, a computer easily breaks down. It needs to be repaired all the time. The shop needs to hire a repairman, which costs 10,000 yuan a month.”

“And he needs to have good repair skills. The repairman of your Aunt Li’s brother is a master. He is the apprentice of a very powerful researcher. He was hired because he owed a favor to the Li family. He is a very powerful master. He not only has repair skills but also assembly skills. His internet café has the best business in Qinhuai Street. Xia Shangxu wants to do this business. It will go bankrupt in less than 3 months.”

Her parents-in-law were crazy to agree to the first branch’s mess!

Then she’ll wait and watch them regret it.

Ye Ru was very upset that her parents-in-law didn’t listen to her advice.

Qin Wanwan felt naive when she heard it. How could making money so easy?

“Let’s not talk about this…” Ye Ru mentioned another thing and said coldly: “Your grandma plans to let Hongfei go back to school.”

“It’s normal.” This was expected. Qin Wanwan knew that studying was very important to their grandmother. Although the first branch was full of ridiculous people, Qin Fei and Qin Hongfei were all members of the Qin family. After a pause, she thought of the reason why Qin Hongfei dropped out of school, and asked hurriedly: “Mom, you didn’t object, did you?”

If she objects, it might make their grandmother angry. It’s better to go with the flow and be a good person to leave a good impression.

Ye Ru said: “I almost objected, but your grandma probably knows that she owes us, so she mentioned another thing. She sent a letter to Qin Yan and told him about you! I hope they can arrange for someone to come down and do a test for you to see if you can pass! If you pass, Wanwan, you will be the pride of our fifth branch.”

Once Qin Wanwan passes, she will also be taken away as a trainee, and the entire fifth branch will benefit from it. What an honor!

Qin Wanwan’s heart skipped a beat, and the joy in her heart spread involuntarily!

The country trains people!

This was something she had spent a lot of time thinking about. There was no such thing in her previous life… Even the members of the Qin Family didn’t know that Qin Yan was the firstborn son who was trained by the state. Qin Fei didn’t know, even Qin Hongfei didn’t know. Qin Wanwan didn’t know until she grew up, and she also knew another thing.

That is, the high hopes that the benefactor had placed on the Qin family, and this testing opportunity existed in the previous life…

This distant benefactor came to the Qin Family, the testing opportunity was given to Qin Fei by Grandma Qin! Qin Yan’s biological sister.

It was not that their grandmother was partial, but in the Qin Family in the previous life, except for Qin Yan, everyone else was mediocre, including Qin Wanwan herself!

Qin Fei was naturally unqualified!

So… this matter was also suppressed, and no one of the two elders mentioned it.

Qin Wanwan found out by accident after the divorce. In this life, she wanted to get this opportunity from Qin Fei! So she worked hard to make herself perform well!

If she becomes a trainee, she will have more resources to change her destiny!

Grandma Qin has always been fair, so there was no need to worry. In her previous life, the old lady gave this opportunity to the first branch because Qin Fei was Qin Yan’s biological sister. However, between being mediocre and having more hope, Qin Wanwan knew that the opportunity would fall on her!

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