Chapter 86: The Attitude of Living under Someone else’s Roof

Qin Hongfei didn’t know about the resources.

The parts of more than 20 computers filled the living room of the Qin Family’s small building, leaving no place to rest. The two daughters, Qin Yun and Xia Shangxu were buried in the pile of parts like crazy.

Even if Xia Lu doted on her daughters, she couldn’t bear to see them burying their heads in the pile of parts day and night, so she kicked them out and rushed them to the repair shop.

Qin Hongfei simply put up a sign saying that the repair shop was temporarily closed. After thinking about it, she put up a sign saying that she was collecting second-hand computer parts!

It doesn’t matter whether she can receive them or not, just hang it up anyway, just in case.

The parts were shipped in boxes, and the first step was not to assemble them, but to distinguish them.

This was a huge project, but there was still not enough manpower.

Qin Hongfei simply went to knock on Tang Jinnan’s door. She had no psychological burden at all for using the two of them!

It was Shou who opened the door. The two looked at each other and disliked each other: “What do you want?”

Qin Hongfei put a hypocritical smile on her face: “I need your help.”

Shou said coldly: “Don’t smile like a witch selling children. Why should I help you?”

Qin Hongfei sighed. This young master seemed to not understand the situation: “Asking you for help is just a polite word. Even if you are not polite, you should have a kind of attitude when living under someone else’s roof. I have a lot of computer parts and not enough manpower. You two come to help.”

“You…” Shou said coldly and was about to take action. However, before he could take action, there was a movement behind him. Tang Jinnan came out in simple woolen trousers. Seeing Qin Hongfei, he paused and said: “I heard it. I will go there in a while.”

Qin Hongfei looked at him with satisfaction and asked: “I will come to the repair shop in a while. Do you know the way? Do you have money? I need to take the bus.”

Tang Jinnan didn’t have money.

Qin Hongfei didn’t care and gave him some money. A few banknotes were handed to Tang Jinnan. Tang Jinnan subconsciously wanted to avoid it, but he paused for a moment and the money fell into his palm. He collected it and said: “Thank you.”

“Tang Xiaojin!” Shou was about to explode: “Aren’t you too tolerant of her?!”

“You have a bad temper.” Tang Jinnan closed the door and said in a gentle voice without caring, “Shou, she is telling the truth. We owe her a favor and live under someone else’s roof. We eat her food and drink her drinks. We use her to avoid those who are looking for you. It’s just right to do some work. This is not Yangcheng, and we are not people in the research institute. No one will spoil you and me.”

Qin Hongfei was different from the people in Yangcheng. She doesn’t know their identities and will not treat them as treasures!

She will not be humble to them. In her eyes, the two of them were probably just people who could work at most.

Of course, it was normal to eat and live in other people’s houses and do some work.

Shou’s forehead was throbbing with veins: “But she can’t order you around! I’ll go, you don’t.”

Tang Jinnan felt that it was important to face reality: “We came here together. We eat two meals and do one job. We will be driven away wherever we go.”

Shou looked depressed!

Tang Jinnan paused and said: “Besides, we may need her help.”

Shou frowned and disdained it, but did not say anything to resist. He was convinced.


At the repair shop.

Several boxes of messy parts were piled on the ground. Qin Yun and Qin Fei were eager to move. Qin Hongfei held a list in her hand. When she saw Tang Jinnan and Shou coming in one after another, the latter’s face was dark, and the air was frozen a little.

Qin Yun rubbed his arms and dared not say a word.

Qin Fei was also a little scared, always feeling that she might be beaten in the next second: “Feifei, how about…”

Qin Hongfei knew what this sister was going to say next: How about I do it for them?

She can’t help but remind her: “Be good, wake up, you may not be able to finish it yourself.”

Qin Fei stopped talking.

Qin Hongfei looked up, ignoring Shou’s unhappy face. After all, she was unhappy too, she won’t let him be the boss: “Now that we are all here, let’s start working.”

Several people identified a part, such as a memory stick, motherboard, or radiator… and then placed them in one place.

Xia Shangxu was the most motivated person: “Don’t waste time, let’s get started, and when you’re done, I will take you to a restaurant!”

Now everyone was motivated.

Tang Jinnan looked at the pile of parts and started to clean them up.

Shou reluctantly pulled a box over, and suddenly, he said: “What will you do?”

He found that there were only a few parts, and they were assigned to them. What about Qin Hongfei?

Qin Hongfei deliberately said: “Supervise you.”

Shou wanted to go on strike.

Qin Hongfei reminded him ruthlessly, “Don’t act like a big master in front of me. Look at your friend. If it weren’t for you, he wouldn’t have to work for me here! He didn’t do anything wrong, but he’s still working. You, who did something wrong, what qualifications do you have to act like a boss with a big temper here? If I were you, I would hurry up and do more, and then share the work for him!”

As she said that, he couldn’t help but glance at Tang Jinnan. Their eyes met, and then he moved away and shook his head slightly.

He does whatever he’s told to do, what a simple person.

He probably wouldn’t have a temper if he was sold by her for money.

These words were too sharp, and they pierced Shou’s heart. He looked at his friend again, said nothing, and resigned himself to his fate and worked!

Qin Hongfei said she was supervising, but she was just being angry. Time was so precious, how could she waste it?

Others distributed parts, and she picked out the ones with problems and started to repair them one by one with tools. Those that can be exchanged for money naturally have no big problems, but it was a delicate job.

Others were picking up parts and chatting a few words, while Qin Hongfei wore a pair of goggles and lowered her head to concentrate. After a long time, tiny beads of sweat fell on her pretty face, but she never complained about the pain or tiredness.

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