Chapter 93: If it looks good but not useful, it has no value


Qin Hongfei looked up at Shou and looked him up and down, which made Shou a little angry. What kind of look was that?

After looking him up, Qin Hongfei curled her lips and said coldly: “What value do you have now that is worth for me to plot against you? Look, if I ask you to work, you have to work. Even if I ask you to run errands, you dare not refute me. Your value… is only your body.”

Shou: “……”

Tang Jinnan: “……”

Is that human language?

Listening to it, what does she mean his value was only his body?

Shou almost wanted to kill someone.

Qin Hongfei was irritated, but she didn’t bother to pay attention. She put down the bedsheet and tilted her head slightly, explaining straightforwardly: “You don’t have to be too grateful to me. I’m not treating you well for no reason. I don’t like to suffer losses, but I don’t like to take advantage of you. Although you are living under someone else’s roof, you have done housework and worked for me. I buy you quilts and pillows as a reward. We don’t owe each other anything.” After a pause, she added: “Besides, you are quite useful.”

One veteran is worth two recruits!

She bought three quilts and pillows weighing about eight kilograms.

The clerk quoted a price, which was more than four hundred yuan.

Qin Hongfei thought it was a bit expensive, and casually said: “250.”

After a pause, she found that the clerk’s smile was a little stiff, and thought that he might have bargained too much, so she said: “300?” She knew the price of computer parts, but she didn’t understand bedsheets.

Shou looked speechless: “Are you buying pigs?”

Haggling in half like this.

Live pigs were two yuan per kilogram and five and a half yuan in the market! Half the profit, how can the sheets have such a profit?

Qin Hongfei turned her head to look at him, but she was not angry, and asked humbly: “How much do you want to cut?”

Shou’s face looked as if saying ‘You ask me, who should I ask’: “……”

What do you want to cut? If he can, he would just take it and leave.

Tang Jinnan took two steps forward, and his slender figure directly separated the two of them. He gently said to the clerk: “The store next door is having a promotion. If it doesn’t work, we can go to the store next door to buy it.”

The clerk wanted to sell a pitiful sale, but when he looked up and met the man’s gentle but extremely clean eyes, he always felt that it would be a bit unscrupulous to sell a pitiful sale, so he had to nod.

Qin Hongfei’s eyes lit up slightly. She came out of the bedsheet store and bought some daily necessities before returning to the restaurant. The dishes were served one after another. Qin Yun asked: “Why did you take so long? Qin Fei said she saw you go into the bedsheet store opposite?”

Qin Hongfei nodded slightly: “Yes, I bought a few quilts and pillows for them.”

Xia Shangxu opened the beer can and asked casually: “How much did it cost?”

Qin Hongfei thought for a while and replied: “350, the asking price was 420 yuan. Tang Xiaojin bargained it down.”

Several pairs of eyes immediately looked at Tang Jinnan, full of admiration.

This kind of look was already commonplace for Tang Jinnan, but he usually accepted this kind of look because of professionalism. This was the first time it was because of bargaining……

There was nothing else except feeling a little novel.

Qin Hongfei thought of something, and asked with sparkling eyes: “Tang Xiaojin, have you bargained before?”

Shou suddenly felt that she was up to something bad again, and said vigilantly: “What nonsense are you talking about…”

When buying such things, how could those people let Tang Jinnan take over? Some people made special arrangements. As for bargaining, they never bargained when buying things!

They were not short of money! How did they fall to this point?

Tang Jinnan also answered briefly: “This is the first time.”

Qin Hongfei said it didn’t matter: “Practice makes perfect, and you will be good after bargaining a few more times.”

She can bring him with her when she buys things in the future to save money.

Qin Yun couldn’t help looking at Tang Jinnan. Although he didn’t look as handsome as himself and his figure was average, to be honest, it was okay. After all, there were not many people who looked as handsome as himself.

He couldn’t help but say: “Hongfei, look at his face, do you have the heart to use him as a bargaining tool?”

Where is your conscience?

Qin Hongfei thought Qin Yun’s words were strange. She looked up at him, then looked at Tang Jinnan’s face. She peeled a lobster and put it in her mouth with full immunity, asking: “Why can’t you bear it? If you can use it, but didn’t use it, then aren’t you an idiot?”

What does it have to do with her if he looks good?

If it looks good but not useful, it has no value

In Qin Hongfei’s world, there was no difference between men and women, and there was no difference between good-looking and not good-looking.

Only useful people can get her attention.

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